Chapter 2: The Agere Train

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Harry just barely made it. And, he was still slightly regressed which was a slight problem. See when Harry is regressed, he gets very overwhelmed when he's around more than five people. He was starting to panic when suddenly Hermione gently tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Haz it's me, Mione," she said in her calming caregiver voice," me and Ron already scored a car in the back because he was regressed as well." Harry instantly calmed down and started to slip even further. Hermione grabbed his hand and lead him towards their train cart. When they got their Hermione searched around in Harry's little bag until she found Harry's purple trainer cup that had bees on it. ( I swear every little has this sippy- I want it so bad- the bees on it are so cuuutttee 🥺)

 ( I swear every little has this sippy- I want it so bad- the bees on it are so cuuutttee 🥺)

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And filled it up with juice she had in a thermos. Ron was playing with some dino figures Mione had bought for them to share. He had a light-blue pacifier attached with a black pacifier clip hanging off of his robes. 

"Hawwy!" Ron shouted as he ran to him with his arms opened wide. 

"Wonie!" Harry giggled.

"Hey, Hazza do you want me to help you clip on your paci?" 

"Yes pwease antie Mione!" he exclaimed while shuffling over to her. Hermione quickly clipped it on after having a lot of practice by now. She started to hand harry his sippy but whispered,

"Hey, has  do you have on a pull-up or do you need help putting one on?" Harry blushed because talking about pull-ups or diapers was still new to him but he nodded his head yes in response because he had out one on this morning. "Ok," Hermione said, "well then here's your sippy. I put some fruit punch in it. you can go play with Ron until it's time to get off the train and as always don't be afraid to ask for anything ok?"

"Okie!" Harry replied already running off to go play with Ron. Harry and Ron played until Harry froze. 

"Umm- anti M-mione?"

"Yes Harry?" she said while looking up from her book.

"M' haf'ta go potties.."

"Alright I'll walk you to the restroom lets un- clip your paci for a minute, Ron do you wanna go or,-"

"M' wan go!"

"Alright," she said while chuckling softly, "let's un-clip you too

The trio made their way to the bathroom and Hermione and Ron waited for Harry until he finished. as soon as they got back to their compartment Harry exclaimed,

"M' went poddy wike a big bwoy!"

"Yes, yes you did Hazza." Hermione said while smiling brightly, "and I'm so proud of you!" Harry blushed at his friend's words of praise Harry and Ron continued to play stopping for potty breaks along the way.

"Alright, guys it's time to clean up and make our way to the carriages." "Awwwe opays," Harry said as he and Ron started to pick up the toys around them Hermione shrunk down their toys and put them in Harry and Ron's agere care bag. She held out her hands to both of the boys as they exited the train.


Harry's POV

McGonagall was the new headmaster this year at Hogwarts and after she said the usual "welcome or welcome back students" speech, which harry was too busy ignoring because he was thinking about all the time he would have to regress this year since Voldey Moldey was gone until she said something that caught his attention and brought him out of his daydreams and thoughts. 

"This year we decided to do something different, we decided to mix the dorm rooms between each house, so instead of you having roommates from the same house, you will have one roommate from a different house. We decided to do this because it was brought to our attention that some houses need to learn to cooperate and learn how to be nice to one another. Looking at you Slytherins and Gryffindors." I started to tune her back out as a number of thoughts came rushing forth at once. will I be paired with a Slytherin? what if they find out I'm a little? what if they tell the whole school or use it as blackmail or something? my breaths started to quicken and so did my heartbeat. Everything started to look dizzy but then I heard the familiar comforting whisper of Hermione,

"Hey, bud calm down. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be fine. I know you're probably thinking about how your roommate might find out your secret but remember there's always the Room of Requirement. you and Ron can always regress there." I imeaditly started to calm down but I also started to slip. I could see Ron swinging his feet under the table and I was glad that Mione's comforting words didn't only affect me. Turning my attention back to McGonagall to catch the last of her speech,

"Your dorm mates will be listed outside the Great hall and it will be in order by year. Now here's to the start of a brand new school year let the feast begin!" People started to pile up food onto their plates all around me and I felt a little overwhelmed at all the food choices. Luckily Mione's the best caregiver ever and already knew I would be overthinking and started to serve both me and Ron chicken tenders with green beans and fries. I started to slowly eat my meal being careful not to spill any pumpkin juice out of my goblet. Ron started to eat quickly but Hermione made him slow down so he wouldn't get a stomach ache. Just as Harry finished his meal he looked over and saw that Ron hadn't touched his green beans. Hermione was looking at him with a face that said "well then, go on eat your green beans." Ron looked from Harry to Hermione then to Harry again. 

"Ronald, will you eat your green beans please?" Hermione said quiet enough not to draw attention to them but enough that both Ron and Harry could hear her.

"mm don wanna." ron murmured.

"Ron," Hermione said sternly, "you have eat your vegetables or else no dessert."

"mmm fine." Ron agreed though he clearly wasn't happy about it, he ate his green beans. after Ron finished Hermione gave Harry his most favoritist dessert in the whole wide world. Treacle! harry nearly squealed in delight when he took his first bite it was so good! Ron was given a chocolate brownie covered in caramel drizzle that he seemed to really enjoy. 


Hermione POV

Hermione serving the boys did draw a few looks from people. They looked as though they were saying "why is she serving them like their little kids?" And the answer to that was that they were in fact, at least mentally little kids. "Alright guys, now that you're both done with your desserts, let's go look at our dorm-mates."


Harry POV

"Okie!" I said. I was excited but also nervous. what if I met a new little friend? ooh ooh! or what if I even met the caregiver I dreamed about almost every night? The one thing I wanted the most was a partner that was also my caregiver. Don't get me wrong Hermione was an amazing caregiver that any little would be so incredibly lucky to have but she was his friend. And besides, she was just doing this because Ron and Harry didn't have caregivers. Harry had a feeling that if he got a caregiver anytime his caregiver needed to do something or had to go somewhere Hermione would babysit him or Ron. As Harry walked up to the piece of paper that would decide his destiny for the year, he grew more nervous than excited. He walked up and searched for Potter. Finally, he found it and saw that he was paired with....

HHAHA cliffhangerrrrrrrrrrrr- it wasn't originally gonna be a cliffhanger but I can feel myself starting to slip because cg mione in this book is like my ideal carer :)))) lemme know if you guys would like to see and agree fics for other fandoms as well! I can't promise to make it right away because I might not be apart of that fandom but if I am apart of it I'll make a book about it and let you know! as always I love youusssss and lemme know if you have any questions or feed back! :D  -Jax 💖

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