What is age regression?

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Before I publish the first chapter I wanted to explain what age regression is. Age regression is a completely sfw (safe for work) coping mechanism. It's when the mind reverts back (or regresses) to the mind state of (most often) a small child. Someone might also regress to older ages for instance, most of the regresses I see online regress to toddlerish ages. Personally, my age range is 2-5. But some people might regress to nine or twelve and that's completely valid :).  People may regress for different reasons such as depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, or even just for fun.

There are also different types of age regression. There's voluntary age regression and involuntary age regression. Voluntary age regression is when someone chooses to regress of their own free-will. involuntary age regression occurs when someone regresses unwillingly. They might involuntarily regress because they may have certain triggers that can push them into regression. They might have positive and negative triggers or just one or the other.

 I honestly didn't mean for it to be this long- but agere is important to me because it's my safe place :). sorry for being a lil sap there-  anyways if you have any questions feel free to ask me!

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