
En başından başla

"i love you so much finn." y/n said

"i love you so much more. and i promise, after all of this is over, we're gonna have a happily ever after. i don't care if that sounds corny, it's just true" finn said back to her.

"i'll be back. all in one piece" y/n said with a sorrowful face and kissed finn once more.

"i'll be fine guys." y/n looked at the boys and they all gave her a group hug. louis gave her an individual hug before she left. sweet and tight. louis was never going to admit it, he was jealous of finn, he loved almost everything about y/n. he thought if he got to know her more, she would like him instead of finn. but, finn was his best friend, bro code was a thing, and conflict would erupt if he liked y/n. he wanted her to be safe though, not for him, but for finn. he cared about his happiness. even if he didn't agree with it.

she was about to open the door when finn grabber her waist and gave her one last kiss "i love you. be safe" he told her. he meant it.

"i promise i will" y/n said back.

she opened the door. luckily the door wasn't squeaky. it was a silent door. if the door made one sound, that would've been the last sound she had ever heard. finn took the covering off of the small window on the door and watched as the girl walked in the hallway. he was worries and scared. his friends put their hands on his shoulders to comfort him but it was no use. he was still shaking and biting his nails.

meanwhile in the bathroom, y/n searched for the necklace quickly and quietly. she looked through every stall. where was it? there were neat floors and everything, she could have found it by now. she was about to cry when she couldn't find the necklace and all of a sudden a voice behind her startled her.

"looking for this?" a mans voice said. it was very deep and scary. without hesitation, the man grabbed her by the neck and pulled her out, and asked where she was staying.

"WHERE WERE YOU HIDING?" the man yelled at her.

y/n had no choice to answer. she had a gun to her head. she had to say it. or she would be dead.

"over- over there" she pointed with shaking hands as the man pulled her out the direction she was pointing. she looked at the window, crying, seeing finn with a face that had all types of emotions in it. the man opened the door, y/n still in his arms.

"everybody STAY DOWN!" he yelled and made all the boys drop to the floor. obviously they dropped. the man threw y/n down beside finn.

"STAY DOWN! IF I HEAR ANY OF YALL SPEAK ILL BLOW YOUR GUTS OUT!" he yelled. so they did what he said and he pulled out his walkie talkie.

"i've got the girl and the necklace." the man began

finn was sneaking up to the man who had his back to all the teens. jack cried while shaking looking at finn. he tried to say so,etching but words could not come out of his mouth.

"i'm on floor one. A4." the man continued talking, clueless of what went on behind him.

"finn, no" y/n cried.

"come here and-" before the man could finish, finn tackled him to the floor. he dropped his walkie talkie and the necklace. y/n slowly grabbed her necklace and chosen smashed the walkie talkie by smashing it with his floor hard on the ground.

the fight between finn and the man led all the way out into the hallway. it was intense and it looked like finn was winning.

"YOU. PIECE. OF. SHIT" finn said with every punch he took at the man. he meant it. he did not like what the man did to his girl.

"finn stop that's enough!" y/n yelled at him. so he stopped right after he punched the man straight in the face. leaving him unmoving on the ground.

"holy shit are you okay?" finn asked, his hands on the girls face.

"yes i'm fine! are you?" y/ns hands were on his face.

they kissed and then gave each other a big hug. the boys were cheering inside of the room too.


while finn was hugging y/n, he saw 3 men.

3 men that were armed.

they looked straight at the couple.


authors note!
hey hey hey! little cliffhanger there for ya!
what do you think will happen next? only a few more chapters
left! thank you for reading this story and making it this far in the book!
vote and comment and tell me what you think!
love y'all 🤍

the lockdown | f.w ღHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin