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finn saw the three men.

the three men saw finn.

they pulled the trigger.

but right away.

finn turned around in the hug.

making sure his back faced the men.

and he felt something sharp hit his back.

then he collapsed to the floor.

the men left, seeing police just entered the building.

finn heard ringing in his ears and saw nothing but white for a few seconds.

he had been shot.

in a place he knew could not be cured.

authors note!
little short short chapter for you guys! also i updated
twice today! who am i😏😏?
this story is not over! there are a couple chapters left!
also, if i write a new story, who should it be with? what should the
plot be? leave suggestions in the comments!
thank you for reading this story and making it this far. it means a lot.
vote and comment and tell me what you think!
love y'all 🤍

the lockdown | f.w ღOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant