Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Zachary Maurine Windswell Scott

(2 years Later)

Hi everyone, my name is Zachary Maurine Windswell Scott, and I am now 18 years old. It has been more than a year since Xadbrix and I broke up. We have no news about each other because of what happened. I heard that he went abroad after our breakup, but that's all I know.

"Zachary, anak? Are you awake?" I heard Mommy say as she knocked on my room's door.

"Yes, Mom," I answered while stretching and doing some basic exercises.

"Have you eaten? You might be late for work. I've already cooked," she said before I heard her leave.

I sighed. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that I have a job now. Mommy and I moved to the province because of what happened two years ago. Many things have changed in my life after those two years. I stopped studying, lost my career, my boyfriend broke up with me, and lastly, my dad died. Everything in my life has changed, and I have to adapt.

"Oh, good morning, my baby. Come here, let's eat," Mommy said with a smile when I came downstairs.

"Good morning, Mom. I'm not a baby anymore," I said with a smile before kissing her forehead and sitting beside her.

"Okay," she pouted, but I could see the smile on her face.

I smiled when I saw the food. Two eggs, two dried fish, and fried rice. It's not the usual breakfast that Mommy used to prepare for us. Before, our table was filled with delicious foods like bacon, hotdogs, bread, steak, sausage, cakes, and milk. But it's okay. As long as we're happy and together, everything will be okay.

"Amen," we said together after praying, and then we started eating.

After breakfast, I headed to my job at Flower Power Flower Shop. Since I don't have a car, I commuted.

"Good morning, Hope Avery Pagasa," I greeted as I saw Hope busy watering the plants. We were assigned to the plant section today.

"Tch, Do you really have to say my full name? You're so annoying, huh! Haha. By the way, good morning to you too, my baby," she said with a hint of annoyance, but she hugged me afterward. Hope is a bit soft-hearted.

"Of course, your name is filled with hope. May Hope na may Pagasa pa. Where else can you find that? Haha," I teased, making her giggle.

We started doing our jobs. I pulled out the weeds while Hope watered the plants. After a while, Mrs. Macdowell called us for an unknown reason.

Mrs. Macdowell is our boss.

"I wonder why Mrs. Macdowell called us," Hope asked as we walked towards Mrs. Macdowell's office. I just shrugged, indicating that I had no idea either.

"Mrs. Macdowell, you wanted to see us?" I asked, knocking on the door as a sign of respect.

"Oh! Zachary, Hope, good thing you're here. Come in," she said, and we entered her office.

"Wow! There are so many flowers, Mrs. Macdowell," Hope exclaimed. I looked at the flowers she was referring to and was amazed by how beautifully arranged they were. There were large sunflowers, vibrant roses in white, pink, and red, and more.

"Of course it is. We made sure to make them beautiful and used expensive vases and ribbons. You see, my daughter Aubrey called me last night. She said they need a lot of flowers at the university she attends. What was the name of the school again? Ah, it's Te Amo University in Manila," Mrs. Macdowell excitedly shared.

"Wow! Isn't that the most expensive and famous university in the Philippines? I heard it was established just two years ago and has been flooded with students and the talk of the town among the wealthy," Hope said.

I could see the admiration in Hope's eyes for that school, while I felt a tinge of sadness.

"Yes, Hope, you're right. Well, the reason I called you here is that I wanted you two to deliver these flowers to Te Amo University. We have many orders today, and I won't be able to accompany you. Is that okay?" Mrs. Macdowell asked. I was about to refuse because Manila is far, but Hope beat me to it.

"YES, MA'AM! We'll take care of it, right, Zachary?" Hope said, her eyes full of excitement.


"Oh? Yes, Mrs. Macdowell, hehe," I said with a smile.

"That's good! I'll call Mang Piping to take you there," Mrs. Macdowell said, excitedly.

I sighed before giving Hope a disapproving look.

"Sorry! Hehehe," she said, making a peace sign with her fingers.

'Why am I even thinking about it? Tch!'

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