CH 14 MyTAB & My Pets

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Exterior; B-roll of nighttime Miami area footage, then Interior. Mall of Miami
Ally is wide awake while the rest of Team Austin sleeps in sleeping bags, along with other customers as they wait on line for an anticipated upgraded version of the myTab.
Ally: Rise and shine, sleepy heads. (one sleeping bag bounces up to reveal a startled Dez.) We have a big day ahead. The myTab 6 goes on sale in only 13 hours.
Austin and Dez finally wake up and quite reluctantly.
Ally: How do you like your eggs?
Austin: Four hours from now... and scrambled.
Dez: Why did you have to wake up at... (looking at his wristwatch) 6:00 A.M.? Everybody else is still sleeping. Even the mall statue guy.
Cut to reveal Pirate Frank sleeping in a chair, the mall statue guy sleeping standing up with his hands folded on one side of his head and a pair of blinders, and some random customers.
Ally: (while handing out warm beverages of some kind) I woke you up so we can do this together. We're doing this as a team. Right, Trish,Kenzie? (notices they're not moving, as Austin and Dez get up) Trish? Kenz? (tries to shake them awake, only to find a mannequin in both of their places)
Trish: (chuckling nervously with Kenzie) Oh hey guys!we totally slept here. In fact, we're sleeping now. I'm sleepwalking!
Austin: You're also both sleep lying.
Kenzie: Fine, we didn't sleep here. Why do we have to wait in this ridiculous line if we're only getting one myTab anyway?
Ally: First of all, because it's fun. WHOOOOOOOOO!
Austin: Skip to "second of all."
Ally: Second of all, MyTabs are the hottest thing out there. If we don't get it today it'll be several months before TechTown gets another shipment in.
Dez: I can't wait months. I really need the new video editing app.
Austin: I really need the new music recording app.
Trish: And I really need to re-sell my myTab for five times what we paid for it.
Ally: We're not re-selling it. I hear there's an awesome cloud identifying app. I'm gonna be the coolest girl in my cloud watching club
Austin: If you really wanna be cool, never mention cloud watching club again.
Trish: If all we're gonna do is wait in this line, can't we go back to sleep?
Ally: No, because in exactly five seconds, it's officially Owen's birthday! Happy Birthday, Owen! Or should I say "bird-thday"?
Kenzie: You should say "birthday." I can't believe you brought Owen to wait in line with us.
Ally: He can keep us company, and tell us stories.
Austin: Ally, your bird doesn't talk.
Ally: He talks. Don't you, Owen? Come on, like we practiced. "Ally's cool. Ally's cool."
Dez: Maybe he can talk, but he can't tell a lie.
Theme Song
Interior. Mall of Miami Food Court
Ally: And that's your last birthday present, Owen. Sorry I didn't get you a lot this year.
The area surrounding Team Austin is cluttered with presents for Owen, who randomly chirps.
Trish: Didn't get him a lot? We've been watching you open bird presents for 3 hours!
A young, tall heavy-set brunette approaches Team Austin, but there's only one member of that team that she's looking for.
Austin: Uh-oh, Dez, here comes Mindy.
Dez: Oh no! She has a crush on me. Hide me!
Trish: I'll hide you.
Of course, she lies and shoves him right out into the open for Mindy to see.
Mindy: Hey, Dezzy-cakes. Did you get my flowers?
Dez: You sent me flowers?
Mindy: No. Did you get me, my flowers?
Dez desperately looks around to find random flowers or at least a reasonable substitute.
Mindy: Awwww. Thank you.
Ally: Uh, Mindy, you can't cut in line. No cutsies.
Mindy: But she was just saving my space.
Ally: Also no savesies. Sorry. Back of the line.
Mindy: I don't know why you're so mean to me, because I'm always so nice to you. Will you shut your stupid bird up?
Ally: I'll have you know, my bird is not stupid. He talks a lot.
Mindy: (sarcastic) Well I wonder where he gets that from.
Mindy slams the flowers on the ground and starts to walk away. She pauses briefly to wave at Dez lovingly, who does the same with a bit of fear. Mindy blows him a kiss before continuing to walk away
Pirate Frank: (to Ally) Arr, ye bird is so loud! Me bird's been here all night, she hasn't made a peep!
Trish: Pirate Frank, your bird's not real.
Ally's cell phone buzzes. She picks it up from behind Owen's bird cage and looks with disappointment
Ally: Aw, my Dad just texted. He wants me to watch the store today.
Austin: Don't worry. We can keep waiting in line and you can meet us later.
Trish: I'm going with Ally. (Yawns) I'm tired from hanging out here all night.
Dez: You and Kenzie weren't here all night.
Trish: Okay, I'm just tired of hanging out with you.
Ally: (picking up Owen's cage) I don't know about leaving you guys in line alone. Can I trust you to hold our place?
Dez: Can she trust us?!
Austin and Dez both scoff and laugh at Ally while kenzie secretly slips ahead of the line.
Austin: Ally, please. It's not that hard to stand in line.
Dez: Yeah, the key is to stay focused. Hey, is that a balloon?
Dez tries to follow the apparent balloon, but Austin grabs him before he can leave.
Austin: You can trust us.
Ally snickers nervously as she starts to walk away from the line. Briefly she pauses to make an announcement.
Ally: Attention everyone! I am leaving the line, but my friends are holding my space. However, since we are only buying one MyTAB, this is not a violation of the no-savesies rule. In addition...
Mindy: (Off-screen; interrupting) No one cares! Leave already!
Exterior; B-roll of Mall of Miami area footage, then Interior. Sonic Boom
Ally is inside the countertop hoping to ring up customers, while Trish leans outside of it. Ally is nervous about leaving the line. For some reason, there's an old-fashioned looking popcorn popping machine in the store.
Trish: What's with the popcorn machine?
Ally: My Dad found it in the dumpster behind the movie theater. He's giving it to Owen for his birthday. Owen loves popcorn.
Trish: Did Owen tell you that?
Ally: I’m not crazy, he talks.
Trish: Sure he does.
Ally: I wish I didn't have to work today I need to be in that line.
Trish: Relax, it's not like Dez is there by himself. Austin and Kenzie are with him, and Austin and Kenzie would never leave the line.
Austin: Hey, guys! I left the line.
Ally: Why?
Austin: I needed a break.
Ally: You left Dez with Kenzie there by himself?
Austin: Ally, it's only been five minutes. You think Dez is just gonna let people go in front of him and Kenzie's gonna let him?
Exterior. Mall of Miami.
Dez: You can cut in front of me. I insist, I insist. Go. Hey Bill.
Billl: Oh actually, it's Billl with three "L" s.
Dez: Right, sorry, Billl.
Billl: It's "alll" good. Why'd you let those people cut in front of you?
Dez: They had a really sad story about why they needed a MyTAB.
Billl: Dude, they so took advantage of your kindness. On a totally unrelated note... If I don't get a MyTAB, my girlfriend's gonna break up with me.
Dez: That's terrible.
Billl: Yeah. If she breaks up with me, I'lll be all... ll... ll... ll... ll... ll...
Dez: All what?!
Billl: All sad.
Dez: I don't want you to lose your girlfriend. You can cut in front of me.
Billl: Oh thanks, buddy!
Dez: Hey, Ally.
Ally: Dez, what happened? Where's Kenzie? You're like 20 spaces behind where we were. I knew I couldn't trust you.
Dez: I had to let those people cut in front of me. They all had such sad stories.
Trish: Seriously? You let statue guy cut in front of you? He doesn't even speak.
Dez: He gave me a really sad face.
Trish: Huh.
Interior. Sonic Boom. Practice room.
Dez: Ally didn't trust me to stand in line, so she sent me back here to help you watch the store. What are you doing?
Austin: Ally asked me to feed Owen. She sent me like 20 pages of bird feeding rules. She doesn't trust us to do anything. That's probably her texting me again.
Dez: Here. Sorry, buddy.
Austin: "P.S. When you feed Owen, do not open the cage." Hmm. "And do not leave the window open."
Interior. Sonic Boom. Practice room.
Dez: Owen! Owen, come back!
Austin: Ally's gonna freak. We have to find him before she finds out.
Dez: I know some bird calls. This is my Cockatiel.
Austin: I think that was a chicken call.
Dez: No, I ordered from the chicken hut earlier. I was starving. Thank you, or should I say brawk!
Exterior. Mall of Miami.
Ally: Austin! You left Dez alone in the store?
Austin: No, he's not alone. Because Owen's there! In his closed cage where he belongs.
Trish: Oh, is that Ally's...
Austin: Nose? Yep, that's Ally's nose. Boop!
Ally: Don't boop my nose.
Austin: Well, I'm gonna run off that way.
Ally: He was acting weird.and I can't find Kenzie.
Trish: Yeah! The way he ran off that way? That was weird. Well, I'm gonna run off that way.
Interior. Sonic Boom. Practice room.
Dez: Pretty bird! Owen's a pretty bird.
Austin: You found Owen?!
Dez: Nope. But I built a new Owen. Ally will never know the difference.
Austin: Yeah, this looks exactly like him. Except for the candy corn beak.
Trish: Let's see how he flies.
Dez: He can't fly... He's fake.
Trish: How could you guys let the bird get away? If Ally finds out, it'll destroy her. We have to get Ally's bird back. Let's all think. Okay, Ally says Owen loves popcorn, right? Let's set up a trail of popcorn to lure Owen back to his cage.
Dez: Yes!
Austin: There you go. Let's do it. Okay.
Dez: I know.
Austin: Aren't you putting in a little too much?
Trish: I'm sorry, who here was fired from a popcorn store? That's what I thought.
Austin: In the meantime, let's keep looking.
Exterior. Mall of Miami.
Pirate Frank: Where do ye think ye be going?
Ally: Uh, that's my spot.
Mindy: You got out of line. She got out of line!
Ally: But I just...
Mindy: No savesies, no cutsies, no insies, no outsies. Your rules, bird girl.
Ally: I wasn't really outsie. I was just throwing my apple away. Littering rules take precedence over line rules.
Mindy: Oh. Not according to this 20-page document you handed out.
Ally: Why am I so thorough?
Billl: Back of the line, All-ly.
All: Back of the line! Back of the line! Back of the line! Back of the line!
Ally: Really?
All: Back of the line! Back of the line!
Interior. Sonic Boom.
Trish: Owen! Owen! Get your "Owen" popcorn, Austin. This popcorn's "my-en."
Austin: Ally, what are you doing here?
Ally: I got booted to the back of the line. Now there's too many people and I still can't find Kenzie. We'll never get a MyTAB. I really messed up.
Austin: People mess up. That's okay.
Ally: It... It's not. I gave you guys a hard time about being irresponsible, and now we're not getting a MyTAB because of me.
Trish: Ally, you made a mistake. What are friends for, if not for understanding each others' mistakes? And immediately forgiving them?
Austin: We know you'd do the same if we ever made a mistake, and you'd be just as understanding, if not... More.
Ally: Okay, what's going on?
Austin and Trish: Nothing.
Ally: Why are you both talking at the same time?
Austin and Trish: We're not.
Ally: Why'd you both look upstairs?
Austin and Trish: We didn't!
Interior. Sonic Boom. Practice room.
Dez: Hey, Ally.
Ally: What happened in here?
Dez: That popcorn machine your Dad found in the dumpster is broken. It won't turn off. I've tried everything. Okay, maybe not everything.
Ally: So this is what you guys were trying to hide from me?
Austin: Actually no. There's something way worse we need to talk to you about.
Ally: Uh, what's worse than this?
Austin: Uh, nothing. It could've been worse. Birds could've flown away! Why would I say that?
Trish: You know what? We're gonna get our MyTAB. I didn't sleep on the mall floor all night just to give up this easy.
Ally: You didn't sleep on the mall floor all night.
Austin: How are we gonna get our MyTAB if we have to start at the back of the line?
Trish: Since we can't move up in the line, we're gonna have to figure out ways to get people to move out of line.
Ally: We're also gonna have to figure out ways to get rid of all this popcorn.
Dez: There's only one way to get rid of all this popcorn.
Austin: Dez, that's gonna take way too long. Let me help you. Whoa!
Dez: This is the best day ever!
Austin: I know!
Exterior. Mall of Miami.
Ally: I hope this works.
Dez: If there's one thing people like more than a MyTAB, it's a free MyTAB. Hey, everybody, I just got a job at Tech Town and... Good news... We're giving away a free MyTAB! All you gotta do is find a golden horseshoe hidden somewhere in this mall. Oh, you heard me... A free MyTAB. They're totally gonna fall for it Then we'll steal their spots in line. Suckers! Oops.
Austin: Did you guys hear about that weather report? A freak storm is about to hit Miami.
Trish: Everyone should evacuate. They say there's going to be golf-ball size hail.
Ally: Evacuate! Evacuate, evacuate! Evacuate!
Dez: I couldn't find hail the size of golf balls, so I just got cheese balls.
Pirate Frank: We were so starving, we were about to give up our spaces to get some food.
Billl: Now we don't have to, because it's raining sky cheese!
Exterior. Mall of Miami.
Trish: The MyTAB's are going on sale in five minutes and Kenzie's missing. What are we gonna do?
Ally: Austin, grab your guitar. I know one thing people want even more than a MyTAB plus it should bring back Kenzie from wherever she is.
Dez: Bacon ice cream.
Ally: No, people wanna see Austin in concert.
Trish: Oh, that's a great idea, Ally.
Austin: Yeah. Hey, everybody! I'm playing my first ever acoustic show, and it's free! Follow me.
Mindy: Out of the way move move!
Ally: It worked! Let's go get that MyTAB.
Dez: Okay, you go get that MyTAB, I'm gonna go see Austin Moon's first ever acoustic concert. Woo!
Ally: Well, it looks like it's just you and me getting the MyTAB, Trish. Looks like it's just me. Boop!
Interior. Sonic Boom.
Austin: This next song is called "Not A Love Song."
Austin start his acoustic version of "Not a Love Song," while fans are gathered around. As was done in the episode "Secrets & Songbooks" the song does not include the second verse or the bridge. Mindy bops along to the song, still trying to get close to Dez.
Exterior. Mall of Miami.
Austin: Did you get it?
Ally: No, they were all sold out.
Trish: Oh seriously?
Austin: No way! Oh man!
Ally: Kidding!
Austin: Awesome! Whoa! It's even cooler than I thought!
Trish: Oh, it was so worth waiting all night.
Ally: You didn't wait all night.
Dez: And the best part is it's ours forever.
Mindy: It's mine now. I found the golden horseshoe!
Trish: Dez, you actually hid a golden horseshoe?
Dez: Well, yeah-huh. A Tech Town employee never lies.
Ally: You don't really work at Tech Town.
Austin: Dez, do something.
Dez: Okay okay. Uh... Hey, Mindy, how about I take you on a date and you give us back the MyTAB?
Mindy: How about you take me on a date and I keep the MyTAB?
Dez: Awesome. Wait. Oh man!
Mindy: See you Friday night, Dezzy-cakes.
Dez: Ooh, I actually have plans...
Mindy: I said Friday night!
Dez: Pick you up at 8:00.
Kenzie heads over with a Mypad in her hands. She hands it to Ally then pulls her own out of her backpack.
Interior. Sonic Boom.
Ally: So Owen, did you have a nice birthday?
Austin: Give it up, Ally. The bird's never gonna talk.
Owen: Austin let me of the cage. Trish and Dez knew about it. Wait, there's more. Dez touched your song book.
Dez: Don't listen to Owen he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Owen: I tried to find you earlier, but I got lost in the food court. Then I pooped on a statue. It turned out to be a real guy. Wait, there's more.

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant