CH 11 songwriting & starfish

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Exterior. Mall of Miami; Nighttime

Nighttime in front of "Scoop, There It Is!," an ice cream shop at the mall. Dez emerges from the store, and a Miami Police Officer shines a flashlight in his face.

Officer: Little early for ice cream, isn't it?

Dez: (Shrieks) What are you doing here, Officer?

Officer: Somebody triggered the silent alarm.

Dez: Really? I didn't hear anything.

Officer: What's with your face?

Dez: Well, some people say I have my mom's eyes and my dad's nose, but I see more of my Great Aunt Ruth. She is a handsome woman!

Officer: I'm talking about the starfish.

Dez: Oh. I have a starfish on my face.

Austin,kenzie, and Trish leave the store and are stopped by the cop as well. Austin is covered in sand,kenzie is asleep on his back and Trish is wearing leopard-pattern pajamas and has curlers in her hair. The cop shines his flashlight at them as well.

Officer:Freeze, ice cream stealers!

Trish: What's going on?

Dez: He's busting us for breaking into the ice cream.

Trish: Officer, this is a misunderstanding. I work here.

Officer: No, you don't. You served me a latte today at the coffee kiosk.

Trish: Yeah, I get fired a lot.

Officer: I can see why. That was the worst latte I've had in my life. Why are you in pajamas,why is she asleep on his back and why is he (gesturing to Austin) covered in sand?

Austin: Officer, I know this looks bad, but I swear, we're not robbing the ice cream store.

Ally emerges from the ice cream shop in a black ski mask with a spoon in one hand and a big tub of ice cream in the other.

Ally: Score! I can't believe we pulled this off. (pulls her ski mask off, and realizes this looks bad for Team Austin) Uh-oh.

Officer: Alright, kids, come on. Let's take a little ride downtown.

Austin: But we can't. I'm performing at the Miami Beach Bash today.

Officer: The Miami Beach Bash? Well, why didn't you say something? I'll let you off right now.

Austin, Ally,

Trish, and Dez: Really?

Officer: No! Let's go!

Theme Song

Exterior. B-rolls of Miami at night, then random Miami Police Precinct, and finally the interior of that precinct. Later shots of his desk indicate that his surname is "Dunphy."

Ally: I swear we weren't committing a crime, Officer. We were trying to finish a song for Austin to perform at the beach bash.

Austin: Yeah. FM 109 is having a Hot Summer Jam contest. If I win, I get to hear my song on the radio. (Dances around, carelessly)

Officer: Kid, you just got sand all in my latte. (He drinks it, and gags) That's still better than the one she (gestures to Trish) made me yesterday.

Trish is about to defend herself, but nods in agreement.

Ally: Anyway, the song's the whole reason we were in the ice cream shop.

Officer Dunphy: So you expect me to believe that you were in a ski mask, you're (gesturing to Austin) covered in sand, you're (gesturing to Trish) in pajamas, she's asleep and you (gesturing to Dez) have a starfish on your face, all because of a song?

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