ch 1 Rockers & Writers

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Interior. Sonic Boom
Trish:(entering) Hey Ally, Kenzie! Guess who got a job at Cupcake City?!

Ally:Thanks Trish, but there's no eating in the store... But I do like cupcakes, gimme that. (both Kenzie and Ally grab a cupcake and start eating it)
Trish:Yeah, they give us all the rejects, Ally's I dropped on the floor and Kenzie's I just messed up the icing on. (Trish leaves to take call)
Ally:(throws her cupcake out) Well that's what I get for breaking the rules. Hey, do you guys want to go to the movies Sunday?

Old Lady:Oh, I'd love to go to the movies!

Ally:Oh.. um, great, because you're exactly the person I was asking.

Old Lady:It's a date! (exits)

Ally:Can't wait, lady.. I never met! (Turns around to see Trish) Yeah, oh, where did you go?

Trish:I was on the phone. That was work. Apparently, being there is part of the job! (walks out) Gotta go. (Lester enters the store) Hey Mr. Dawson! (exits)

Lester:(Entering) Guess who found 37 more cents?

Kenzie: uncle, stop taking money out of the mall fountain. Those are people's wishes!

Lester:Well my wish came true. I have 37 more cents!

Ally:Oh, and speaking of wishes, Dad, is there any way we can put a piano upstairs in our practice room? The one we're using is older than the lady I'm dating Sunday. (Lester looks confused at Ally) Long story.

Lester:Honey, I know you both love music, but the odds of making it in the music biz are like a bazillion to one. Come here.

Ally ,Kenzie & Lester:(Do handshake) Boom! (Lester exits, Ally goes and reads at the counter while Kenzie plays the guitar)

Dez:(Austin and Dez enter from back of store) And action! (Austin starts playing drums with corn dogs)

Ally:(Ally stops reading and walks over) (Ally whistles) Did you not see the 'Please do not play the drums' sign?

Austin:It's OK, I'm an awesome drummer! (Austin holds up a corn dog in each hand and continues to play drums)

Kenzie:(Stops Austin) Okay, what you just said has nothing to do with what she just said, are those corn dogs?

Austin:Yup. (Austin bites a corn dog and moans) Mmhm...

Ally:Ew, uh, do you know how dirty these drums are, and how unhealthy corn dogs are, and there's no food allowed in here!

Dez:I'll handle this Austin. Ma'ams! We are making a music video, I am the director, although I prefer the term, filmmaker. (Dez flips his phone in the air, and drops it) And cut!

Austin:We're gonna need a lot of instruments! I can play anything, piano, drums, guitar, harp! I can even play a trumpet, through another trumpet! (Austin plays trumpet through another trumpet) (Everyone in store claps for him)

Dez:Okay, okay, well I can play a harmonica, through a sousaphone. (Dez puts a harmonica in the sousaphone, blows into sousaphone. Harmonica fly's out into the Old Lady's mouth. Dez rushes over) Prepare to be Heimlich-ed! (Dez gives the Old Lady the Heimlich maneuver)

Austin:Here's the thing about the instruments-

Ally:You don't have any money! (Austin,Kenzie, and Ally walk over to counter)

Austin:What if, I pay you back when I get rich and famous?

Kenzie:Great! Just have your butler fly over on your private jet and drop off a sack of shiny gold coins!

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Where stories live. Discover now