Chapter 8

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I've been on bed rest for a week now. Drake try's to come over but the guys always kick off my property. My grandma texted me telling me shes going out of the country for another month and put more money in mine and Lily's accounts. Right now the doctors orders are for me to start exercising by walking around the house. It's around noon and I'm walking down the stairs with my pregnant wolves by my sides and the male in front of us. I walk to the kitchen and decide to order pizza. I grab out my phone and order 3 large pizzas. I decided to order extra and put them in the fridge for when the guys and Lily get here. Since its friday the guys are staying the night with me and Lily. I hear a scratching noise and look over to see the male wolf scratching the back door. I open the door and walk out onto the back porch. I look around. Shit I got to call a company that will set up a fence for you before theses pups are born. After the male strolls back in, I follow him in to hear a vicious growl. I quickly run in shutting the door behind me, I walk into the living room to see Drake. He sends me a pleading look.
"Down boy." I say petting the wolf. He relaxes but refuses to leave my side.
"How did you get in here?" I ask mad.
"I needed to see you." He says, sadness in his eyes.
"Drake I don't want someone around who won't trust me when I tell him who hurt me." I snap in disgust. He looks at the floor and my phone vibrates. I answer it quickly.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Crystal its Maya, go lock up your wolves in a room, Gary's on his way." She laughs.
"What ever Maya." I say before hanging up.
I look around to see the pregnant wolves with me too now.
"Come on babys." I say walking towards the basement door. The females head down but the male gives Drake a quick warning snarl before compiling. I grab a perfume bottle from the bathroom and walk over to Drake, spraying him down. I grab his arm and push him into a closest.
"Stay in here for like 10 minutes please for me." I plead. He gives me a nod and I shut the door hearing a car pull up. Seconds later Gary knocks on the door. I walk over and open it. The second the wolves in the basement get a whiff of him through the bathroom door they go ballistic.
"Gary." I nod.
"Ahh Crystal, finally walking! How does it feel?" He asks.
"Much better. Now let's get on with this." I say annoyed.
"Well I am forced to ask. Are you willing to be Maya's bestfriend?" He asks stupidly.
"Obviously not." I answer.
"They why would you even open the door?" He asks amused.
"Gary I know what you are. You could easily break that door down." I answer simply.
"How?" He asks. Quick think of a lie.
"I've seen a few of you shift." I smoothly lie.
"And your not scared?" He chuckles.
"Naw, why be scared of something so stupid. You'll get caught one of these times." I smirk. Gary scans the room I'm guessing looking for cameras. He nods.
"Okay well I wanna get this done with, so will you hurray. I have pizza coming in like a half hour and I wanna be able to get up and get it." I roll my eyes. He nods and sends a fist at my face, I let out a whimper and fall to the floor. I hear the wolves growling murderously. He kicks my side.
"It still fucking hurts." I mutter. I hear a crack and look up to Drake fist pulling back from Gary's face. I look over Gary to notice a bloody nose. His eyes are filled with shock.
"Why the fuck are you beating a fucking human!!?!?" Drake yells loudly. Gary cowers into the wall from fear.
"I sentence you to life in prison." Drake says before punching him again. A few minutes later Chris, Lucas, Scott and James (Drakes top trusted friends) walk in. All look at me and look shocked before looking at Gary on the floor clutching his face.
"He's been sentence to life for beating a human, a human girl at that." Drake says pointing to Chris and Scott. The two guys quickly pick up Gary and pull him out if my house. Drake and the rest of the guys look me over.
"Do I look better then last time?" I smile weakly. The pain in my ribs are back. I hear my doorbell ring.
"Oh shit the pizza. Someone help me up!" I say. They all look at my crazy before Drake nods to Lucas. Lucas pulls out his wallet and answers the door. He pays for the food and walks into the kitchen with it. I felt myself being lifted up.
"Let me stand!" I demand.
"Only if you take it easy." Drake says. I nod and he gently sets me on my feet.
"Since you all like saved me and paid for this ya'll wanna eat?" I ask awkwardly.
"Yeah if course. Also I'll have Chris and Scott pick up more on their way back." Drake says before his eyes cloud over. Okay then. I slowly walk into the kitchen and attempt to reach for the plates but James beats me to it.
"Uh thanks." I say taking the plates from him. He offers me a smile. I set the plates down when Drake walks back in. I hand everyone a plate and let them grab some pizza. After they each took like 5 pieces I took 3. I walked to the living room and ate on the couch. The guys followed me in and sat down. A few minutes later Chris and Scott walk in. I nod to the kitchen and they smile. They came back in with plates and drinks. I scan over the room. This is so awkward. I look at the time. 1... I still have an hour and a half until the guys and Lily get here. I look over to Drake to see him done his pizza and staring at me. After a few seconds I get annoyed.
"Chris will you tell your 'leader' to stop staring at me." I ask annoyed. The group laughs and I sigh. I hear a scratch at the basement door.
"Shit I left my babies in the basement." I say getting up. Scott sits me back down and goes to the basement door. The second the door creaks he slams it shut.
"You have vicious wolves in your house!" He yells. I chuckle and get up. He try's to stop me from opening the door, I crack it open so I can see them, but they can't get out.
"Hi mommy's babies. Be nice." I say. They whimper and I open the door. The pregnant females trot out while the male walks out crouched. I sit back down on my couch and the females join me by jumping up. The male lets out a warning growl to the guys and I chuckle. I snap my fingers and he looks over at me. I clap my hands and he runs over to me like a huge puppy, he gets up and sits in between me and the female wolves.
"Those things are so mean! How do they listen to you?" Chris asks.
"Oh babe. They just love me." I smirk.
"Remember the girl you saw?" Drake asks me staring at the wall.
"Yes." I answer.
"They were from her pack before she turned back into a human." He says sighing.
"Whats your issue?" I ask groaning.
"She was my mate." He says with a tear trickling down.
"Can't you smell her then?" I ask.
"No. Her trail went dead. It didn't even rain. It must have been the smell." He shrugs.
"Man, remember how she slashed my face?" Chris chuckles.
"Uh wouldn't you be mad she slashed your face?" I asked.
"Uh no. She ended up being my luna. Anyone in our pack would do anything for her. Even lie to our alpha, as long as he didn't use alpha tone on us." Chris says.
"Oh." I mumbled. Shit the doctor! If Drake ever commanded him to say what I looked like, I would be fucked. I turned on supernatural and drooled over Dean.
"You know I look exactly like Dean? So your pretty much drooling over me." Drake says cockily. I roll my eyes.
"Yes you guys are hot, but I drool over Dean cause of who he is." I admit honestly.
"Oh." He mutters. After an hour the guys and Lily walked in. The wolves ran up and started rubbing up on them. Chris groaned.
"They loveeeee them but hate us." He complains. The guys and Lily look over wide eyed.
"Uhhhh...." Lily attempts to talk.
"Oh yeah, Gary came today." I said. Everyone looked over at Drake and his friends nodding in understanding. Mason walks over and sits next to me. He takes in my bruised cheek and kisses it.
"Mase! People are here." I whisper. He nods.
"Oh yeah, there's pizza in the kitchen." I say loudly. The guys and Lily run into the kitchen leaving me and Mason chuckling. I look over to Drake and his friends to notice Drake glaring at Mason.
"Oh yeah Mason, would you mind calling that company to come out that fence up?" I ask. He nods but before he gets up Drake pushes him back down.
"Relax, I'll have all my buddies come over and set up a fence." He smiles.
"Uh okay. It needs to be a nice high chain link fence." I say. He nods and pulls out his phone.

We all sat in the living room, talking and getting to know eachother. I looked over to see James smiling at Seth talking to Chris. James noticed me looking and sent me a pleading look. My eyes flashed to Seth and back to him. From what it looks like, he doesn't want me to tell anyone, but Seth is his mate. I really looked over Seth for the first time and thought about how he acts. He never begs to go to the mall with us and the guys to find cute girls like the rest of the guys. I smile at the thought of Seth and James together. They would be an amazing couple. I look over at Mason wondering if people think we are an amazing couple. Mason is just tooo perfect! I check him out while he laughs at something Brandon said. I watch as his mouth opens and the sound of his perfect voice. Oh god Mason. A second later I could hear people out back setting up the fence. I scan over the two different groups. This proves that anyone can be friends or at least civil. We are all laughing, telling jokes and just having a fun time. The wolves are even warming up to the other guys. I scan over Drake's crew. One thing os, their all really buff. Especially Drake, he's like yum. Ew. Did I jus think that. I snap back to reality when James chuckles loudly. I look over at him and his eyes looked at me wide and his eyes flashed to Drake. I caught on quickly. He was bringing me back to reality because I was staring at Drake the whole time. How odd.

A few hours went by before I let out a yawn. I hear some other yawn. We've been watching movies on netflix. I look over to see Drakes crew all sleepy and barley being able to keep their eyes open. I look over to see Lily and Brandon cuddled up. James and Seth were a little closer then they were earlier. I was leaning on Mason, while Drake was just about snoring. I got up without anyone noticing and went upstairs to set up bed. Since we already had a couple beds with blankets and stuff, I'll I had to do was pull out the pullout couch beds. Once I did that I put sheets, pills and blankets on them. I walked back down stairs and shook a sleeping Mason. His eyes opened quickly.
"Yeah?" He asks sleepily.
"Head up to the sleep over room." I said before moving on to Brandon.
"Brandon!" I whispered in his ear loudly.
"What?" He groans.
"Carry Lily up to a bed." I order. He smiles and carries her up. I next wake up Chris to have him wake up the others while I let the wolves out to pee. I walk into the kitchen and open the back door and the wolves run out hurriedly. I let out a chuckle. After a couple minutes I called them back in and locked the back door. I walked out if the kitchen, shutting to light off. I walk to the security closet and turned on the cameras that surround the outside of the house. I then go and lock the front door. After I shut off the living room light and run up the stairs. Hating the dark. I walking into the room to see just about everyone asleep besides Mason and Drake. Drake laid on a bed on his side, making sure there was space next to him. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the pullout couch that Mason was on.
"Goodnight baby." I groan stuffing my face into the pillow.
"Goodnight sweetheart." He says rubbing my back. Finally relaxing to Mason touch, I fall into a peaceful sleep.

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