Chapter 13. Back to Crystals POV.

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I could hear an what I thought was an angels voice. Telling me I was a fighter. I heard someone tell my Angel to leave. I wanted the angel to stay. He was helping me. Mostly comforting me. I felt comfortable and safe with him here. Now it's gone. I feel cold and empty. I felt some kinda of uneasy feeling before my body decided to force myself up into a sitting position. My legs refused to listen to me and jumped out of bed. My heart told me I need to stay in bed but my brain was telling me something was horribly wrong. My brain won this one. I start at a slow sprint before entering the stair case. I ran down and out the exit and started for the woods. Why am I going this way? I felt my legs starting to ache as I ran as fast as I could. I slowed to stop when I saw Drake. I felt so good to be so close to him. My body was begging me to go up to him and be wrapped in his arms. I watched as he stood up. I finally scanned his surrounding noticing the cliff. How he was staring at it. I started at a full out run when I heard him whisper something so un real.
"I love you Crystal." I heard his sexy voice that sent little shivers up my spine. He loves me? I feel power run through me as I picked up the pace. Going faster than I ever could. I reached his arm as he took a step and threw him to the ground and sat on him.
"Let me die!" He yelled. I noticed the tears running down his face. Drake was crying.
"Drake." I whimpered. My heart broke at all the tear drops running down his face.
"I just wanna die!" He yells hitting me hard. I feel numb to the pain as he repeatedly hit me, trying to knock me off. I felt so powerful being able to stay on him. He's acting like a bull. Trying to throw me off. He keeps letting out little screams.
"Listen to my voice Drake!" I yell. His screams drowning out my voice.
"I'll kill you for stopping me." He snaps, finally opening his eyes. We lock eyes and I feel him go still.
"Crystal?" He questions. He looks around.
"Wheres the hidden camera's because this is not funny!!" He yells at full force.
"Drake its me." I whimper at his voice. I crawl backwards at the power in his yell. His eyes go wide before sitting up and crawling to me. The second he's at arms length, he pulls me into his chest. I feel all the tingles and the feeling of comfort in his arms.
"Crystal baby, I'm so sorry." He says bawling into my hair.
"It's okay." I say wiping tears that have slipped down my face.
"Whats wrong?" He asks inspecting me for damage.
"You were going to kill your self and your last words were that you loved me." I cried breaking down into his arms.
"I can't believe you're here." He whispers. I watch as his eyes scan over my arm that is now a nasty bruise color from him hitting me.
"Please tell me that happened on the way here." He pleads. I look towards the ground and I felt his arms let go of me. I look up to see him shaking his head, backing away from me.
"No no no. I couldn't." He says, bawling harder.
"It wasn't your fault. You didn't know it was me! For all you knew was I was in a hospital bed!" I cried standing up and running to him. He reluctantly held me close.
"Don't let me go." I whimpered. His hand caressed my back in a form of comfort. I let out a sigh and lean into his touch. We sit down and I sit on his lap as he twirls my hair and rubs my arm gently. I close my eyes and feel suddenly tired. I slowly let the blackness take over and I fell asleep.

I woke up in a grassy field. No Drake in sight. I spotted a small piece of paper.
'I can't live anywheres around you, knowing what I did to you. Be safe, once your out of the woods stay in a public area where people are. Please for me. Marry Ryan. Be happy.-Drake' I felt tears running down my cheek so I wiped them away. I looked into the distance, hoping this was some sick joke and he was watching me. Making sure I got out of the woods. I brought my knees to my chest and cried. I don't know how long I cried but it was a good amount of time. I felt a breeze on my arm. My head shot up and looked to the trees, the branches weren't swaying so there was no wind. I slowly scanned the area for a threat while slowly getting up. I noticed the note I read earlier is now gone. I spun in a circle scanning the tree line once more. I felt another brush of cold air and I turned to see the paper shredded on the ground 5 feet in front of me. I gasp left my mouth before I could cover it.
W-who's there?" I asked stuttering.
"Your worst nightmare beautiful." I hear a deep voice say. I spun in the direction of the voice to see nothing.
"Drake will kill you." I threatened who ever it is.
"Ahh Drake. The guy who left you in a grassy fielding the middle of the woods?" I hear it again directly behind me.
I spun around and looked behind me to see a guy a little taller than Drake. He was slightly pale. A huge smirk across his face. I stepped back but he grabbed my arm. He inspected my bruise. His face showing disgust.
"Did he do this to you? You weak human." He says before shoving me to the ground.
"Leave me alone." I whisper.
"No." He says before crouching in front of me. Looking me over.
"Why?" I asked.
"Cause for a human your extremely beautiful. You can count on seeing me a lot princess. I need to make sure no one hurts you. Your a delicate flower." He smiles. I feel rage fill my body.
"You just shoved me to the fucking ground and you want to protect me? Your all sorts of fucked up!" I scream in his face. I watch as he stands up and ponders the thought.
"I guess I didn't realize how weak you were. Any other human would have attempted to not fall. You just fell." He shrugs.
"Your insane." I said jumping up and running in the direction I took here last night. I ran as fast as I could, feeling the crisp morning air on my face as I dodged trees. I looked back for a second to make sure he wasn't following and turned back to run into a hard object. I step back and notice I ran into the man. My eyes go wide.
"What are you?" I asked stepping back.
"Something that little humans think are in movies." He smirks.
"Werewolf?" I asked looking over his body. He's too pale and has no muscle for a werewolf. Well he has no muscles but he's super strong.
"Nope. Why does everyone think of werewolves? I'm a vampire sweetie." He smiles. My eyes go wide in shock.
"A vampire?" I whispered.
"In the flesh." He said before bowing.
"The werewolves here will kill you." I said determined.
"Oh those mutts. I'm faster than them. Wiser." He smiles.
"Okay well I'm going home." I say stepping around him. I feel pain shoot through my stomach and before I could fall, the vampire picked me up. He lifted my stomach and saw all the bruises. I hear a low snarl from him.
"He did this? I will kill him." He snaps.
"No I got into a fight. Wasn't a fair one." I said holding my stomach.
"Were going to the hospital." He says and starts walking through the woods.
"Probably a good idea. I kinda ran out of there before I knew what was wrong with me." I chuckled.
"You left the hospital in this state?" He asks angrily.
"Yes." I nod.
"Ugh, stupid humans, just love to get up and move around when their wounded." He hisses.
"Calm youself." I said looking at the trees.
"Close your eyes princess, I'm going to run and your eyes won't be able to focus so it will give you a headache." He says before starting off in a jog. I closed my eyes and felt like I was riding in a car going 100MPH. When we came to a stop we were at the front desk.
"Crystal! Shes here! Get a stretcher!" The receptionist yelled. I then heard a girl my age yelling.
"Crystal I'm going to kill you!" I hear Lily scream. I looked to see Lily running my way with Ryan behind her.
"Who's this?" She asks me.
"I don't know." I said looking back at him.
"I'm Trevor. I found her walking the edge of the woods. She was in pain, I offered to help. " He says setting me down. Ryan made his way to me and held me tight. I felt comfort in his arms. Not as comfortable as Drake but it's still a nice feeling. I heard a low hiss come from Trevor. I peeked over at him to see him shaking in anger. Whats his problem. I took a step back from Ryan's arms and I saw him Trevor calm down.
"Crystal, were going to lift you onto the stretcher are you ready?" I heard a doctor ask. I nodded and two guy nurses picked me up and raced me to an X-ray room. I slowly pass out.

The Mate in Plain Sight.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin