Chapter 15

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***Lily's POV.***
"Finally!" I breathed out. We finished putting everything inside. The wolves were even already exploring their pen. This one is a lot bigger, a few trees and Trevor said that he would get a deer population in the pen so the wolves can hunt like in their normal habitat except they can come inside. I looked over to Brandon who was drinking a glass of water. I checked the time on my phone to see it was 3:45. We left the house and settled in here within 45 minutes. Well.... It also helps that Trevor had some vampire friends here along with Chris, Scott, Lucas and James, who are werewolves. Wait.. Wheres Crystal? I walked to the new living room to see Trevor and crystals dad watching out the window. Waiting for her to pull in.
"Where is she?" I asked confused. Shouldn't she have been behind Trevor?
"I should have made the guys take the bike while I rode with her." Trevor yelled at himself. I looked at him strangely.
"Well?" I asked getting annoyed.
"She told Trevor she wanted to say goodbye to her past, as in say goodbye to the house." Her dad says. I nod in understanding. I said goodbye too. I remember living on the streets. Couch surfing, until Crystal came along. She moved me right in with her. I thank god everyday for allowing her to come into my life. She is the best friend everyone would love to have. Shes just all around amazing and caring. That month she was gone I freaked out, cried and wouldn't let Brandon leave my side. I let out a deep breath and noticed everyone was now looking out the front windows. I noticed it started raining. Maybe she was taking her time. Yeah thats logical.
"Go look for her!" I screamed at Trevor. Yes I know. Bipolar, but my best friend is out there somewheres. I can't imagine loosing her. Trevor and Brian (Crystals dad) took off running. I looked back to the wolves who all ran out and shifted, howling to alert there pack that there's something wrong. I ran out and turned on the bike, its gonna be hard for the wolves and vampires to find her knowing the rain makes her scent disappear. I tore out of the new driveway driving like Crystal does. I could hear Brandon yelling to me to stay put and the guys would find her, but shes my best friend. Who knows where she is, who knows if she needs me? I sped up faster trying to see past the rain and darkness. About a mile before town I hear an idling engine. I looked around the road to see no cars. I scan the area to see a huge tree, like gigantic. I then look towards the bottom to see a totaled Chevy. No! Thats Ryan's old truck! Shit! I jumped off the bike, and ran across the wet pavement, to the totaled truck. I couldn't see her in there but I knew better.
"Hold on Crystal! I'll get you out of there!" I screamed as loud as I could. I hear thundering paws. A huge midnight black wolf came running out. A few wolves, that looked like the guys behind him. I watched as the black wolf stared at the truck in horror. He let out a painful depressing howl. Alerting everyone something bad happened. A second later Trevor shows up. I look back to see Drake now dressed running to the truck, Trevor helped him pull it out toward the deserted road.
The second I saw her head rest loosely on the steering wheel I cried out in pain. She looks dead. She can't be dead. Shes like my sister.
"Crystal!" I wailed as I ran to the smushed door. I tried so hard pulling it off, but Brian pushed me gently and threw the door across the road, I watched as he slowly pulled her out of the truck.
"Her nose is broke, shes going to need a lot of stitches, a few ribs feel cracked." Brain says feeling her stomach. Drake growled as Trevor cried out. I looked to see Trevor crying. Tears covering his face.
"God it's all my fault! I should have never left her there alone!" He yelled out to the sky.
"Shes alive Trevor, shes alive." I tried comforting him. He nodded and picked me up so I could keep up with them. Apparently Brian was a doctor and Trevor has all the supplies they would need at his house. I felt the wind against my skin as we ran through the chilly night.
"Please be alright. Lord I know I don't normally pray aloud but please save her." I mumbled, causing a few tears to fall out.
"He'll save her. Shes too important to many people to die." I hear Trevor's voice. We stop outside the house and I look at him.
"There's famous singers out there who have died at a younger age. Singers who inspire kids to live and not think about dying and they die. What about them? Those singers were so important to millions of peoples lives." I exclaim with tears strolling down my face. Trevor sighs.
"God gave her two mates for a reason. It's not her time." He smiles sadly. I nod and we walk in where Brian is bawling.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"She's paralyzed. Or at least it seems it. Her legs are not responding to any movement, her arms are though." He cried.
"They could just be numb." I say logically.
"Its a possibility." He nods.
"So where is she?" I asked.
"Shes in her and Trevor's room. I have her on an oxygen tank and shes stable." Brian informs me. I nod and sit down on the plush couch. I put my head in my hands and pull at my hair. Why her? Why is all this shirt shit happening to her? Why couldn't it be someone else. Like I know it's not nice to wish is on anyone else but I wish is on Maya the bìtch. All of use including Chris, Lucas and Scott stayed in the living room. Taking turns sleeping. Every two hours someone else will get up to make sure the monitors don't go crazy. I woke up Seth since it was his turn. He nods and I get comfy on the couch. I slowly fall asleep.

The Mate in Plain Sight.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz