Chapter 14

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I woke up from a peaceful sleep to yelling. I looked at my clock to see that it said it was noon. No wonder it felt like a peaceful sleep. I slept for more than 12 hours! I sat up and listened in to the fighting.
"I still don't understand how you could watch her mother beat her! Do you still love her mother?" Trevor asks completely raging. I rubbed my eyes waiting for my dad's answer.
"I am a vampire. Imagine what her mother would have done then!! If her mother saw me she would have thought she was completely insane! Then she would really blame my little girl!" He yelled.
"You could have taken her away, taken her somewheres far from that lunatic!" Trevor hissed. I slightly groaned at the loud noise. I guess everyone else was gone cause its Monday. They all must be at school. Well besides the pack, there probably out running or checking for un invited visitors. I heard the doorbell go off so I jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs.
"Hi,I'm sheriff Lake, I'm look for Lisa Clear." A mans voice said. I got to the last step.
"Thats my grandmother. She's not here. Can I ask what your here for?" I asked looking at an orange file envelope. He nods.
"Yes this is for her, she is to be at court wednesday." He said handing me paperwork.
"For what?" I asked shocked.
"Custody of you." He states.
"No no no. Who is trying for me?" I asked scared.
"Your biological mother." He states.
"No! I won't go back to her!" I cried.
"Why?" He asks curiously. I shook my head as I felt tears build up.
"She beat me." I said just above a whisper.
"Then that needs to be brought up in court." He says sternly.
"Thank you." I said as he walked away.
"What the fuck?!? She wants custody after she helped beat you up?" Trevor asks fuming.
"Wait who's Lisa?" My dad asks.
"Shes the witch. She legally is my guardian." I stated sighing.
"Why do you think she wants custody of you now?" Trevor asks.
"So she can beat me since I made a fool out of her." I guess.
"Call Lisa." My dad spoke up. I nodded and dialed Lisa's number.
"Hello, is everything alright?" Lisa asks.
"I just had a sheriff here." I say sadly.
"Oh god. So court? What did you do?" She asks trying not to laugh.
"My mom wants me back." I mumble.
"Are you kidding me?! I got a phone call from the police a few days ago about her beating you up!! How is the judge even looking into this case?" She asks fuming.
"Who knows." I sigh.
"When is the court date." She asks stressed.
"Wednesday." I sigh.
"So after tomorrow? Thats such short notice but don't worry I'll be there tomorrow night." She reassures me.
"Okay thanks. Should I call a lawyer?" I asked.
"Yes. Do it right now, lawyers are hard to get on short notice." She says.
"Okay talk to you later bye." I said hanging up. I quickly look up the best lawyers around. One name stuck out. Lizzie Sanford. I looked up her work cell and dialed it.
"Hello this is Lizzie Sanford, how can I help you?" A smooth voice asks.
"Hi my name is Crystal Clear. I need a lawyer." I say.
"Oh I heard about you on the new the other day. Your own mom and some teenage girls beat you. Is this case against them?" She asks interested.
"Not the girls, but my mom, you see she wants custody of me now." I state.
"No way. I can totally make sure she doesn't get custody, as long as you get emancipated or have a reliable legal guardian since your underage." She says confidently.
"I have my grandma who is my guardian right now." I inform her.
"Is she able to take care of you properly?" She asks.
"She very much so can." I say.
"Okay. Well come on in tomorrow at 10 and we can go over it and discuss pricing and whats going in, also the court date." She says.
"Okay thank you." I say hanging up.
"Well?" Trevor asks.
"I go into tomorrow at 10 for details. She really wants to represent me. She saw about the fight on the news and wants to use that against her." I say.
"That will be the best bet. Your gonna have to bring up about when she beat you when you were younger." My dad adds. I sigh and rub my temples.
"Call another good lawyer just incase she already has a appointment or case for someone else that day and time." Trevor suggests. I nod and scroll down the list to see a Mark Williams. I dial his number and call.
"Hello, this is the office of Mark Williams, how can I help you today?" A secretary asks.
"Hi, my names Crystal. I was wondering is Mark Williams is available to talk right now?" I asked.
"Let me put you on hold for a second dear while I find out." She says.
"Thanks." I say. I hear some weird odd music while I was put on hold.
"Whats going on?" Trevor asked in a hushed whisper.
'On hold.' I mouthed back to him. He nods and I hear the music stop.
"Hello this is Mark." I hear a deep voice answer.
"Hi Mark, I was wondering what you availability for appointments are wednesday." I asked, getting right to the point. I need to know if its worth it to even explain.
"I have all wednesday morning free." He says clicking away at a laptop is my guess. I look at the court appears to see it was wednesday morning at 9.
"Is there a case you need a lawyer for then?" He asks.
"Yes, I need one for a custody case." I inform him.
"Custody between who and of who?" He asks typing.
"Between my mother and grandmother for custody of me." I stated.
"Who are you currently living with?" He asks.
"My grandmother." I said.
"Why are you not in your mothers care?" he asks.
"She beat me when I was younger so my grandmother gained custody of me." I say looking over my grandmother summon to court.
"Who do you prefer to live with?" He asks.
"My grandmother." I said in a duh voice.
"Whats your last name Crystal?" He asks.
"Clear." I spoke softly.
"As in the girl who got beat up the other day by a couple of teens and an adult?" He asks. I sighed and closed my eyes.
"The adult was my mother." I tell him.
"Woah, well I think you could easily stay in your grandmothers care." He says confidently. I do a fist pump in the air and smile.
"Thank you." I say.
"You could come in tomorrow around 3 if you would like me to represent you." He says.
"Okay thank you." I say.
"I hope to see you tomorrow, bye." He says.
"Okay bye." I say hanging up. I let out a breath and smile.
"Both lawyers said I can easily win." I smirk.
"Cause of what happened recently." Trevor points out.
"Okay I'm going to go lay down. I have a headache." I said getting up and walking up the stairs. I trudge to my bed and fall face first on to it.
I close my and see drakes eyes in my head. After we've been through, after stopping him from committing suicide he ran off. For some reason I miss him. I just want to be in his arms. For the short time I was in his arms in the woods, it felt natural. Like thats where I should always be. I still want him after the fight is insane. God I miss him. I let out a sigh and slowly fall back to sleep.

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