Chapter two - 'love at first sight mode'

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I had to keep cool.
There was this adorable Zombiecorn stood in front of me being all cutie-fied and I was there looking like a fool with a huge smile smacked onto my face, it stuck out like a sore thumb. I was trying to be my 'sexy' self. Especially in front of my ghoul friends! If they realised that I felt like looking that this boy gave me the 'love at first sight' tingle in my stomach... They'd disown me.
We're cats, tough ones! Not soppy cuties who you can have as a pet!
Neighthan looked at me. "I'll see you then." He smiled. He then looked over at Gigi and smiled at her.
Never wanted to admit how totally gorgeous Gigi was. He seemed close with her, as well as Avea and the other dirty hybirds or what ever you call em'.
Neightan walked off with Gigi. He looked back and gave me a smile. I gave a smirk and wiggled my fingers slowly and sassy-like.
Did it work? Did it? I hope so.


Oh. My. God. She might be backstabbing my friends.
But she was amazing to talk to... Not to mention how beautiful she was.
Stop it Neighthan... You can't be like this!
- 9:50pm
When we walked back to Gigi's dorm, I sat down on her chair. It took us an hour to walk back. I sighed happily and stared into space as Gigi clicks her fingers in front of my face.
"Earth to lover Zombiecorn!" She yelled.
"Ah! What?!" I jumped out of my skin. I wasn't paying attention to ANYTHING she had said on the way home. I felt guilty but not bothered at the same time.
An hour passed and I said bye to Gigi and went back to my dorm. I walked in, straight past Avea, Bonita and Sirena without even saying "Hi".
I just plonked myself onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling.
Avea trotted up to me, whacking me on the head.
"Ow! What?!" I sat up and gave her a death stare.
"What the heck is this about?!" Avea yelled, shoving her phone in my face. I snatched it off her, it was on Spectra's blog.
- "Neighthan has put Frankie in the trash and got himself a new kitty?" -
- Picture of Neighthan and Toralei outside the Coffin-bean talking as they were doing back at the mall, inserted below -
"WHAT!!??" I yelled and threw the phone at Avea.
And stormed out of the room and into the halls "SPECTRAAAAA!"

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