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Sterling yawned and padded to the door. He used his nose to push the latch up, and then he nudged the door open. The snow had stopped, and the sun was shining, though drifts were quite deep. The air felt warm on his nose. It would be another warm day, and most of the white powder on the ground would be gone by mid-afternoon, though it was still a bone-chilling wakeup call when he waded out into it in search of a place to relieve himself. Ice crusted in between the pads on his paws, chilling him further.

Birds chirped their songs out from the trees, the only sound that could be heard. It was funny the way snow on the surface of the earth made everything seem quieter. Even the approaching footsteps of a man were nearly too soft to discern. Sterling finished his business and turned to see Heinrich walking toward Rusalka's front door, carrying a basket. Irritated that the man was at it already that early in the morning, Sterling snarled and dragged his feet as he slunk back toward the house. By the time he got there, the ogre had already knocked on the door, and he could hear Rusalka moving around inside.

The door creaked open, and her beautiful face almost shone in the sunlight. She had always been the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Her creamy complexion and deep emerald eyes drew him in, but it was her fiery hair that hooked him. He sat and swished his tail through the snow as he admired her, wishing he had the ability to tell her how he felt. The dress she had chosen for the day reminded him of the day he had met her. Its blue color was faded now, but the lace around the collar and down the bust remained pristine.

"What do you want?" Rusalka asked, sounding irritated. Sterling hated that he couldn't just chase Heinrich off. If he even tried, he'd have to kill him. If not, he would be put outside the gate for good, and it would force Aethelfrith's plan into motion. If he killed Heinrich, he would be put to death. So he sat, watching every interaction, patiently taking in all the details, hoping someone would stop the nonsense that was taking place.

"Your food was ruined. I brought you more." He thrust the basket out toward her.

"You mean, you ruined my food... Is this your way of apologizing? Because you don't have to. You can just leave me alone, and that would be good enough." Rusalka did not reach out to take the offering. She folded her arms over her chest.

Heinrich stepped forward as if he was going to enter the house, but Rusalka leaned on the doorframe, preventing him from passing. The muscles on the side of her jaw flexed, and she pursed her lips. Sterling kept calm. She was a big girl and could handle herself, but he was there in case she needed him. Until that time, he sat watching every move the man made.

"I'm just going to set this inside for you."

"I think I can manage. You can sit it there," Rusalka said, pointing at a rocking chair that decorated the porch.

"No, I'll take this inside." Heinrich put the basket between Rusalka and himself and walked forward, nearly knocking her off her feet. She finally relented and moved aside before his movements caused her to fall, but she was clearly not happy about it.

"I don't want you in my house. Please leave."

Heinrich disappeared into the house then reappeared with empty hands that were a bit too grabby for Sterling's taste. He latched on to Rusalka's wrist and pulled her against himself, smashing her petite body into an awkward embrace. She punched his chest and pushed at it, seemingly to rid herself of the man, but Heinrich outweighed her and was far too strong.

"Let me go!" she shouted, pounding her fist on his chest.

"How did this happen again?" he asked, raising her arm up and holding it in front of her face. Her face paled when he prompted her to tell him of how her hand had been cut off.

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