He's back

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Beth had shot Rio, She didn't know what would come after that. She felt the pain of those actions every night. They followed her, haunted her. She dreamed of him all the time, always waking up crying and screaming, covered in ice-cold sweat. She wished she could get him back. Every day she thought of Marcus and regretted what she did. It wasn't like she planned it or anything. 

She missed him popping up in her kitchen late at night. She missed doing drops with him, and she missed everything about him. Sometimes, she swears she can still smell him. That unique scent of cedarwood, masculine, peppermint smell that was just him.

So maybe, she'd tracked rhea down. She just wanted to help his son, to be close to him in any way she could. So, she showed up at the park that rhea and Marcus frequently attended. After that, she befriended Rhea. 

Now rhea gave her some money, and she was headed to a bar to meet up and pay her back. Beth sat down at the bar slowly. "Would you like a drink?" asked the bartender. She shook her head no, she had been feeling quite oozy lately, "No thanks, I'm waiting for a friend." She answered simply. All of the sudden his scent filled her nose, There her mind was again playing tricks on her again. "He's gone Beth", she said to herself.

"She ain't coming." Said that deep voice that sent shimmers down her spine. No, it couldn't be, She thought as her body went as still as a statue. she couldn't breathe. she turned her head slowly and saw the dreaded face that had been visiting her In her dreams every night. He was back. Rio was back, her mind wasn't playing tricks on her he was here.

Hi everyone, this is very short I'm sorry, let me know if you all like this story, or should I update it soon! Love you all.

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