True or false

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Rios pov

Rio woke up to a text from Mick , it was a picture of him and Beth cuddling.

He was almost embarrassed, but she looked so cute when she was sleep , so he made it his wallpaper, the lock-screen, the other one was a photo of him and Marcus!

Rio wondered where Elizabeth was, so he sent mick to trail her.

Beth pov

I woke up early, and rhea texted me, asking can we talk. I really did want to apologize to her, I messed up, and me becoming friends wasn't making it any better.

How could I be mad at her after what I did to her, to Marcus. That guilty feeling was back,

So I slipped out of the comforter and rios safe arms, and hopped in the car to meet rhea at the park.

Rhea pov

Christopher was really stupid. She had thought him to be smart, capable, caring even. But he was dumb.

She couldn't believe he was letting this women back into his life, but she was gonna put a stop to this now.

"Hi Beth." She said sweetly as the tall red head sat on the bench next to her.

"Hi rhea." Beth said, her guilt was obvious. It should be rhea thought, she should feel wrong after what she did.

"Listen, I'm here to talk to you, Christopher is not who you think. I wanted to warn you, he's out to get you. He wants to get revenge. He said he's gonna talk the baby when you have it and kill you." Rhea lied smoothly faining a worried expression.

beth pov

Did this bitch think I was stupid? Beth thought to herself.

She wanted to laugh at rhea right in her face, she was obviously lying.


But deep in Beth's mind she wondered if rhea was telling the truth. Rio wasn't gonna let her get away scotch free like that.

Maybe all that affection was fake, Beth wondered how he could have faked that fond reaction.

Was he really just black mailing her?

Rio pov

Mick called him, he wondered if it was about Elizabeth.

"Your not gonna like this boss." Mick started tentatively.

A breath

"Red is at the park with your baby momma."

Rios eyebrows creased. Rhea damn it.

She could never just let him do what he wanted, she always had to do something stupid.

He was gonna wait until beth got home.


Beth finna go off on Rio 👱🏾‍♀️, rhea plotting, mick observing? Rio's mad too. Lol

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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