They all took their positions infront of the silver board which were their targets for today.

"20 fit away!!"
All the soldiers started running behind and stopped just after covering the distance of 20 fits.

He roared and all of them held their guns in air.

Everyone blinked theor eyes for once capturing the image of their target.

And many many many gunshots were heard by whole academy.

All the bullets pierced the red spot on silver boards simultaneously.

None of them missed the shot.

He turned around after hearing the voice and his eyes soften looking at the elderly man standing there dressed in army uniform.

He shouted.

"Roger boss!!!"
All of them yelled simultaneously with their eyes being froze on a random spot in air and again queued up and left the field.

"Assalam o alikum sir Weesam!"
He said softly but still  dominance was quite visible in his tone.

"Walikum Salam Ali!! Even you are training these soldiers and making them lions since last 3 years but still I can't get over the fact that once you were my student when you are leaving me behind now."
Weesam patted his shoulder.

"Come on sir!! It can never be possible  . I can never be more perfect than you."
He smiled wholeheartedly.

Yeah!! For the first time he smiled.

He was the man whose smile was everyone's favourite. Who can make anyone mad for him cause of his smile and the dimple on his right cheek used to add more glory in his brightest smile.

"It had became possible years ago. Anyways when you are getting married?"

Sir weesam asked out of blue and he was left with nothing but cough.  Even his throat couldn't digest the word marry with Ali Haider Khan.

"Come on yar!! You have grown up into a handsone and dashing man. Marry before all these silky hair of yours fall."
Sir weesam laughed ruffling his hair.

He shoke his head in disbelief.

They both stated walking while talking and the sun went down.

Ali told Weesam about Adeel and he happily agreed to ask officer to take his re-examiantion.


"Dadddd!!!! Dadddd!!!!"
Samahir went towards the lounge where her father was sitting with her uncles.

"What happened mahi??"
Rehab, her father asked as soon as she entered lounge.

"Daddd!!! It's my friends wedding today and mom is not letting me go."
She said stomping feet on floor like a 3 year old baby.

"Where is Haider chachu? Ask him. He will convince  your mama."

"He has went somewhere or else I won't be shouting here."
She said.

"Why is your mom  refusing at first place?"

"Due to corona ! Ahhh!! I hate you corona k bachy!!"
She shouted frustratingly.

"Don't forget he was the one who made your HOD to close your uni for months."
Dad said and she realized it.

"Oh yeah sorry corona baby!! I don't hate you."
She said smiling like a fool.

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