'What is it this time Mew?' Mew pass the cellphone to Bright. While he hug his trembling wife.

??: I see you are having a party..Can I join?

Bright read the message out loud. The boys can't wait anymore so they asked what's going on.It was Win who told them what happened.

' If he knew you have guests..that means~'  Mild said hanging...and the boys got what he is trying to say so they went out to check if there's any suspicious outside. While some of them are out,Mew is calming his wife.

' Don't be scared Bii~~ you have me and them...we will not let anything happen to you...' Mew said,rubbing his wife's back.

'Mew is right Guppy..you have us..we will catch whoever this bastard is.' Mild said

Their friends who went out came back..

'Did you find something?' Mew asked

'Sorry bro but there's nothing out there...' Max said

'CCTV..let's check our cctv.' Gulf suggested

Their house has CCTVs that are hidden around the area...they went to Mew's study..checking the footage carefully,they saw a man lurking around...zooming it.. the face of the man was captured.

'Do you recognize him?' Mew asked

'He looks familiar' Gulf thought. He's about to answer when...

'Shiaa! It's him! He looks a bit different but it's him.' Win blurted.All heads turned to him.

'You know him Winny?' Bright asked his boyfriend

'Not only me..but us (pointing at the other Ks) ...you two don't remember Spencer the nerdy? The Thai guy who was adopted by his foster parents' Hearing the name,Gulf and Bright finally understood who is he talking about.

'And who is this Spencer and why is he doing this to my Kana?' Mew said sternly

The three Ks look at each other before Win starts telling them the story. About how Gulf helped the guy when being bullied..and since then,he always sends lunch boxes to Gulf.

'So he became obsessed with Gulf?' Kaownah asked

'Yes..but he disappeared after K2 confronted him.' Bright answered

' We don't know what happened after that..he just dropped out the next day.' Win added

'This is my fault...if I didn't ~'

'Oy don't you dare blame yourself..If you didn't do what you did...we don't know what will happen to you' Bright said

'He's right Kana...that guy is crazy..you just help him and show kindness to him but he didn't stop with just a thank you...He start following you around..acting like a puppy..and worst,he spread that he's your boyfriend.' Win said,shocking the other listeners even Mew. They don't know that something like this happened to Gulf in Amsterdam.

'Why didn't you tell me about him when we do video call?' Mew said with disappointment..

'I'm sorry... I just don't want to add it to your stress that time..That's why I decided to deal with it alone...' Gulf said guiltily.

Mew hug Gulf telling him that he's not angry and just worried. After a while,their friends went back home but Bright & Win stays. They are now lying on their bed,with Gulf's head on Mew's shoulder.

Trust in Love Again (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now