Chapter 5

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"Gulf"  Zhan nudged at his friend who seemed to be lost in thought once again. He could tell that his friend was not himself since the previous day and he had his faint suspicion that their new boss has something to do with it, but he decided to shrug it off. "So, Miss Jane wants me in the refreshment room. Do you want to come along?" He asked once Gulf glanced at him. He didn't want to meet miss Jane alone anymore after that awkward encounter the previous day.

"Are we on kitchen duty? Gulf asked

"I'm not sure that's the case. She just texted me to come meet her in the refreshment room."

Gulf only nods and without wasting much time, he accompanied him.

On reaching the refreshment room, he saw Miss Jane and Mrs. Amanda instructing the chefs and the waiter about the dining hall and the number of table they should set up.

"Oh, Zhan, Gulf, good that you both are here" She said catching hold of them and waved at them to get closer.

Although Jane looked only a year or two older than Zhan, she was smart, witty and quite sophisticated. And moreover, she was elegantly beautiful. It was no wonder that even someone like their boss, Wang Yibo had laid his eyes on her.

"I need one of you to go buy two cups of pearl milk tea and one to assist Mrs. Amanda in buying the grocery for the evening." Jane hastily assigned and the two man looked at each other, confused. "Hurry! If you still want all of us to have the job by tonight!" Jane interjected.

Feeling the urgency, Zhan quickly took the money from Miss Jane and dashed out of the building leaving Gulf to assist Mrs. Amanda, who was the most amicable lady he had seen.

Unaware of where to get the milk, he went on asking the confectionaries and bakeries  nearby for almost half an hour and finally found one, opposite to the cafe they used to have lunch all the time.

Grabbing the luxurious tea that cost almost 200 US Dollars for two cups, he rushed inside his office building, hoping that he didn't take much time.

A part of him was aware that the tea must belong to his bosses owing to the fact that the tea was so pricey. And hence, he held it with extra care.

When he reached their office building, he realized the guests were no longer in the conference hall but was slowly dispersing, some into the refreshment hall while some into the washroom. At the sight of the people coming out from the conference room, he scuttled for the refreshment hall being seized by a sudden fit of panic, fearing that his life might never be the same again if he messes up this time.

Apprehensively, he grabbed the tea and rushed inside the room to meet their bosses demands just to come into a rough collision with a body in the doorway, squeezing out the precious tea and spilling it on himself and the other person and the rest on the floor

Fuck! My life's over! Instantly his brain screamed out as he looked at the few tapioca pearls that had scattered on the floor which were from the milk.

Terrified and wishing to cry, he gazed up to apologize to the man he had spilt the tea just to have all his hopes shatter into pieces. It was Wang Yibo, his boss, who was now glowering at him with his jaws clenched tightly.

"Oh. my. god! What did you do, Zhan?" He heard Miss Jane aghast but he failed to even blink his eyes out of fear. He know, this time he was done for good by his intimidating boss.

"Mr. Wang, I'll handle this. Quickly get your suit change. I'll send your secretary to your office"  Miss Jane suggested but Wang was not having it. No one had been this reckless. It was the second time he had seen this young man being clumsy and he despised people that were so careless. Moreover, he hated the wetness in his shirt.

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