Chapter 29

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"Make it make sense!" Ron shouted. They had arrived at one of the Order's many safe houses barely minutes ago. The others were on their way but until then Hermione was left to explain herself to Harry and Ron.

"I can't!" Hermione said back. Harry was in another room preparing to greet the rest of their friends when they arrived.

"Why not?" Ron yelled. He was fuming with rage. It made  him look almost unrecognizable to Hermione.

"Because it doesn't make any sense! None of it does!" Reflecting on her and Draco's relationship right now was like rubbing salt into a fresh, bleeding wound.

"Finally something logical comes out of your mouth!"

Hermione winced at his insult. "Can you stop it?! Can't you at least try to contain yourself?!"

"Why should I?! It's Draco Malfoy!" Saying Draco's name made Ron's face scrunch up in disgust, like it had just left a sour taste in his mouth.

"He's still a person, Ron! You've done enough by sending snatchers after him! Just leave it alone!"

Ron looked at Hermione like she was a stranger. After being in love with her for years, this was the ultimate betrayal. "You know that's impossible! It's all they're going to ask about when they see that you've returned!"

"No! Please just leave it be! I'll lie! Don't tell them!" Hermione was begging him now. She couldn't imagine the horrid looks upon her best friends' faces when they discovered she had fallen for Malfoy.

Just then, Harry came back into the room. "Quiet down you two! The rest of Weasleys, Remus, and Tonks are here!" Harry could tell he had interrupted a heated argument.

"Harry, please, oh Harry please don't tell them! Just keep this secret! For me! Please!" Hermione wasn't remotely close to containing herself. Harry didn't want to encourage any more tears.

"Fine, 'Mione." Harry looked to Ron for his answer.

"You've got to be bloody joking, Harry! You can't seriously be thinking about keeping this from them!" Ron couldn't seem to lower his voice.

"Ron, it's for the best. All that matters now is that Hermione is back. What happened while she was kidnapped, no matter how awful, is not relevant. She'll tell them eventually, but for now, she deserves to see her friends again without any more drama than there already is." Harry sent Hermione a forced, yet kind, smile.

Hermione whispered a thank you to Harry. She tried her best to stop the overflow of tears coming from her eyes. Harry had sounded so mature. It made her feel like she'd been gone for much more than a month and a half.

"Fine! Thinking about it is making me nauseous anyways." Ron stomped out the door and rejoined his family in the front room. Molly Weasley's voice could be heard as he entered the room.

Hermione and Harry followed in behind him. The group of people swarmed to Hermione's side. Questions like "Are you alright?" and "Are you hurt?" flew around Hermione's head. The sea of familiar faces began to overwhelm her rather than comfort her like she had hoped.

"Guys!" Ginny Weasley yelled. The group went silent. "Give her some air! Can't you see she's been through enough today!"

The crowd immediately moved away from Hermione. Now apologies and condolences were all Hermione could hear. She felt an arm wrap around her waist and direct her to a couch. Ginny helped Hermione sit and found a spot right next to her on the old sofa.

"Now," Ginny began. "One at a time."

Hermione was unsurprised by Ginny's sudden authority. She always knew the youngest Weasley would grow up to be a great leader. It was a bit unsettling though, to see Ginny so mature and grown up. It made Hermione want to start crying again.

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