Chapter 27

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Two weeks passed. Draco and Hermione spent those 14 days in the same strange, quiet euphoria from weeks ago. They're relationship had picked up exactly where it left off in their first year after they were sorted into their houses. It was like they were the same young kids who met on the Hogwarts Express. If their friends and family could see them now, they wouldn't believe it. The Slytherin Prince and the Gryffindor Princess, once enemies now not only friends but lovers. It was absolutely astonishing. It's unfortunate that the magical world they lived in would not allow something so peaceful and blissful to go on for long. All good things must come to an end.

In the two weeks since April 1st, Hermione and Draco had become even more bonded. To those who had never met them, they would look like best friends. But, to those who did, they looked utterly insane. Snarky comments, smart retorts, and uncontrollable laughter would flood the huge lake house. Their sounds and voices would echo throughout the empty corridors, like extremely cheerful ghosts. You'd never guess the happy couple occupying the house were once rivals. It's really too bad Draco and Hermione didn't get to continue those late night fits of laughter, early morning strolls, or passionate kisses. It's very unlucky that joy was soon an emotion they'd forget, a distant memory buried in depression and loneliness. It's truly awful that the two wizards were torn apart.

It was barely past two o'clock in the afternoon. Draco and Hermione were in the hallway, outside Draco's bedroom door. They were planning on going for a walk, but had gotten distracted. Hermione pulled her lips away from Draco's.

"Come on, Draco," Hermione smiled. "We're supposed to be going for a walk."

Draco groaned in protest, wanting to stay and continue kissing.

"No, no, I'm not letting you do this again. I want some more flowers for the vase." Hermione pushed Draco playfully away from her and moved down the hallway. Hermione was about to take her first step down the stairs when she halted abruptly. "Oh!" she exclaimed.

"What now, Granger?" Draco shrugged.

"I almost forgot." Hermione jogged back down the hallway and into her bedroom. She reappeared in the hall holding her violet wildflower. Draco raised an eyebrow at her. She answered his unspoken question. "Well I need a reference, don't I? Don't want to accidentally bring home a bouquet of the wrong wildflowers," she grinned.

Draco rolled his eyes and started down the stairs. Once they were at the front door, Draco twisted its knob and began to open it. Suddenly, loud shouts from familiar voices flooded into the house. Draco slammed the door shut and grabbed Hermione's wrist, whisking her back through the house and up the stairs.

"It's not possible," she muttered. She could barely breathe. The voices couldn't have been real.

Draco was running now. He barged into his bedroom and let go of Hermione's arm.

"It's possible," he answered.

"No. No, not possible. How did they find me? How did they find us?" Hermione was clutching her chest. The room around her spun.

"It's bloody Potter and Weasley, of course they found us!" Draco cursed under his breath. He was thrashing open his dresser drawers, throwing clothes and belongings out, letting them scatter across his floor.

"No! They couldn't have!" Hermione felt her knees get weak.

"I saw them, Granger! I saw them! They were at the edge of the front yard! They're probably banging down the front door as we speak!" Draco finally tossed out a black turtleneck and a small piece of vine wood flew out from in between the folds. Draco slid across his floor and grabbed the wand. In a single swift motion, he was back on his feet and shoving the wand into Hermione's hands.

wildflowers // dramioneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن