Chapter One

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Angelica's POV



I hate that sound more than anything in this world. It's my alarm going off. By saying that I'm pretty sure you've been able to guess I'm not a morning person.... Well you're right. If it was up to me I would sleep past 2pm. And if I'm being honest it is up to me hehe

You see thats one of the perks of owning an empire. Yes, I own one. No I did not get what I have from my daddy. What I have, I have built.

You see I am a very powerful women. I own about everything in the North Eastern of the United States and as well anything in Cali and more. what I own are mainly clubs, restaurants, hotels, casinos, many company's of all sort but thats not what made me rich. I am the leader of the Mexican Mafia.

I am the Dom.

Know thats what has made me Rich but more then that it has given me all the power I have.

Now you might ask if I didn't get this all passed down by my parents then how did I become the Dom? We'll you see that is a very long story but all you need to know is that to be the leader. You don't just need balls because with that it won't get you much, you need to have pride, strength and a very sick and skilled mind. And I have just that.


It all started when I was 13. In the past I hadn't always been this cooled. I was what you could call a "daddy's girl". My Father, Valentino, was my first love as you can say. I was his world. We were in separable.

My mother, Martha, fell in love with my Father when they were just 16 years old. They dated for 4 yours before they even got married. My mother migrated to the US in where they meet in a factory. Their love was as pure as it could get and from that Me and my four brothers came out.

I'm 24 years old, My brother Carlos is 23, Antonio is 22, Marcos is 21 and the youngest, Lorenzo is 19 years old. We grew up happy.. pour but happy. We had everything we really needed and yes times got hard but my parents always made sure we had what we needed. My father was a Factory worker, barely making 2 dollars over minimum wage. But it was never a problem for us.

Well in those times.

It all got hard once my father fell ill. I Blame myself for it. I should've been able to realize however, my father was the type of man that would never say he was in pain. He would always put a strong face and continue. And that went on for years.

What started as a curable cancer lead to a deadly stage 4 lung cancer. Now thats when it all came down. The cost of treatment was more than anything in this world. No matter how hard he fought he didn't make it. He left this world with his wife falling into an addiction, his sons in pieces and his daughter as.. well as a monster in the making.

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