Chapter three

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' Bold ' = Thoughts
(Slant)= The Author Talking
Underlined = What POV It Is
< > = Time Skip
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
H/C = Hair Color
H/T = Hair Texture (curly , straight etc)
B/T = Body Type (Although I might not use it much)
H/L = Hair Length
E/C = Eye Color
S/C = Skin Color
M/N = Mothers Name
F/N = Fathers Name
S/N = Siblings Name
F/D = Favorite Drink
(If I forgot anything I will add it later!)
<Setting: Home, 6:00 PM. Getting ready for Amy's party>
First Person POV:
Well shit I'm not sure what to wear.. I mean it's a party but like.. a party to relax? So do I dress fancy or not?... fuck it I'll dress however I want!
*beep beep* Oh it's probably from Amy..
Amy: Hey Y/N, are you getting ready? ;))
Y/N: Oh uhh yeah... I'm almost done. I'll be there in 20 minutes, see you there.
Amy: SEE YOU Y/N ;))
Ugh I swear she's always so excited over anything.. I mean it's a good thing! But I like to chill...
<Time Skip, at Amy's party>
*knock knock* "Amy!! I'm here-" Amy opens the door, "HEY Y/N!! Come in! We have some drink!" Amy laughs whiling winking at you. You walk into Amys house seeing most of your friends and people you work with.. Oh.. Trump is here- Where is Joe? "H-hey Y/N!" You turn around and see Josh, he hugs you. "O-oh hi Josh!" You were surprised by him hugging you, "Are you drunk Josh?.." "Huhh? N-no..." And Josh falls on his face.. "UH JOSH?" You try to wake him up, "Y/N- He just fell asleep, he's fine.." Amy sighs and drags you to where all of the drinks are. "Aren't we gonna help him??" "Nah" "Amy-" Amy pours you a drink and hands it to you. "I'm not sure if I wanna drink Amy.. I gotta drive home." "C'mon Y/N! It's fine! You'll only have a couple!" You sign and decide to drink the alcohol anyways. You turned around to talk to Amy but you noticed she was gone. Huh? Where did Amy go?? Someone tapped your shoulder, "Hey Y/N, wanna come to house afterwards?" Trump winks as he grabs your shoulder. "Uhh no thanks?.." "C'mon Y/N you always say no... Just hang out with me for a bit okay? You can trust me.." "Uhh.." Suddenly someone grabs your arm and pulls you away, "Huh-" "Hey Y/N." It's Joe.. "Heyyy Joe! How are you?" You ask with a confused face. "I'm good... sorry for dragging you away-" "HEY EVERYONE LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE?" Amy interrupts Joe, everyone starts to gather around Amy and sit in a circle. "Okay everyone how we'll do this is one person spins the bottle and who ever it lands on has to do a truth or a dare! I'll go first!" Amy spins the bottle and it lands on Bob. "Okay Bob truth or dare?" "Hmm dare!" Bob laughs while Amy smirks. "I dare you to drink a WHOLE bottle of alcohol.." Amy laughs "HA! That's easy!" Bob gets up and drink a whole bottle of alcohol... Bob stood still for a little bit then.. BOB JUST BODYED SLAMED A TABLE-?! Everyone starts laughing while Bob acts crazy.. Soon he dies down but he still is acting crazy. "Uh well since Bob cannot spin the bottle.. Uhh Dani you do it." Dani grabs the bottle and spins in.. it lands on Y/N! "Hehe truth or dare Y/N?" Oh god.. "UHm dare-" "I dare you to kiss trump on the cheek hehe.." "WHAT-" Everyone laughs whiling making a grossed out face.. "Heheh c'mon here Y/N..." "UH HELL NO!" Y/N runs outside and sits in her car. "Stupid Dani.. stupid Amy..." You tear up... Gosh I'm so mad right now.. Someone knocks on your window, "Hey Y/N..." It's Joe. "Hey Joe..."  "I'm sorry about what happened.. How about I come to your house and we watch some movies?" "That.. sounds nice.." Y/N smiles and unlocks the door.
<Time Skip, At your house 7:48 PM>
"Okay Joe what movie should we watch?" You yawn while looking for a movie to watch . "Hm how about Shrek? Its a funny movie." "Yes! Alright let's watch Shrek!" Half way during the movie Y/N fell asleep.. "Oh she's asleep.." Suddenly you put your head on Joes shoulder. "Oh- well at least she comfortable.." Joe turns off the movie and cuddles into you..

JAWKKWWJ okay I hate the truth and dare part but I needed a reason for Joe to come to the readers house😭😩

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