"Is everything to your liking sir?" He asked and handed me a remote.

"Did you do what I asked for." Giles nodded in response as I looked to the left of the room and saw the large mirror. The edges had a gold trio with rose engravings on it but it definitely wasn't no ordinary mirror. It was a two sided one, she can't see from her side but I can see her from my office next door.

"Master, Ms. Van Cartier is on her way. Also, I have just received notice that your family will be coming back to France next week." I turned my head forward and looked outside the glass window, I haven't seen my family in over a month. They have been pestering for me to come to visit but due to work it's been hard to get some time for myself.

"Tell them they may stay in my mansion if they would like while they are here, it's been a while since the Van Cartier family came together." I said to Giles and he nodded, he left the room and I soon see my little angel wearing a big cardigan over a white shirt and some sweatpants. She looked simply adorable in her clothes, as I stared at her in admiration she played with her hair and looked away from me then she spoke.

"So why did you want me here." She didn't step a foot into the room until I signaled for her to come to me.

"Well I wanted you to see this room, everything here is yours. I had it made especially for you." Her eyes widened as she started to look around.

"All of this. Are you sure?" She questioned, I gave her a nod, and immediately she jumped into my arms. She thanked me multiple times as I held her in my arms, I was a bit startled but I held her tightly.

"I love it, thank you so much." She said and smiled at me, her genuine smile warmed my heart. Soon she came to her senses and  immediately tried to get out of my hold.

"Um, Adrien can you put me down now." Rosalie added as she kept trying to get down but to no avail.

"Now that's not the way you should thank me, you know getting everything was very difficult." In reality, it really wasn't but I wanted something out of this.

"I can tell, everything an artist could dream of is in here." She said and looked around again.

"And right you are my dear, none of this is free unless you give me something in return." I saw her lips give a small pout.

"Nothing in life is free is it." I was surprised by her response.

"Right you are again my love, now as payment, I want a kiss." Her eyes widened with what I said, I gave her a sinister smirk and sat her down on the window seat.

"It's just one kiss, Rosalie." I said and placed my hand on her chin, making her look into my eyes.

"Fine just one kiss." I was surprised at what she just said but I smiled, I was finally going to get a kiss from h-.

I felt her soft lips on my cheek and she jumped off the window seat.

"That wasn't what I meant," I said in annoyance, I can't believe she tricked me.

"Well to be fair Mr. Van Cartier you only said to give you a kiss, you never specified where." Rosalie smiled at me as she picked up one of the brushes.

"I'll let it go this time but next time it better be on the lips," I said while walking towards the door.

"Like there will be a next time." She muttered but I still managed to hear.

"Care to test that mon amour." I said and snaked my arms around her.

"No thank you." She said quickly which made me laugh, I turned her around and kissed her forehead then left the room.
I walked down the hallway to the room next door, as I entered my office I looked over to my right and was able to see her. She was admiring the paint and brushes until  deciding to paint on a large canvas.

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