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Itachi was looking at the city from the big building he is, he stares with mesmerize eyes as he looks at the civilians that are walking in the side walks, cars being drove. 'This really is something, I wonder if this could be possible in my world, technology isn't really new but the way these people use it.. is very interesting' Itachi thinks to himself as he watches the jumbo screens on buildings.

After 5 minutes of looking into the city he made sure no one was around the building he is on . Itachi closed his eyes and purposely falls down from the tall building he was , letting the air hit his face, his long hair blowing in the wind. As he was falling down he began to think what his purpose in this world was. 'There must be a reason why I'm here....' Itachi then opened his eyes and applied chakra on the soles of his feet, placed his  hand on the wall and slided down the building he dropped. The plastic bag he was carrying started to rip apart. Itachi grabbed his cloak, headband and other irrelevant things he had in the bag. He then grabbed a scroll and sealed his stuff in there, after he was done he put his scroll on his back pocket.

Itachi landed on his feet leaving a gust of wind blowing leaves. Itachi then looked at his clothing and saw that it had some dust. '*sigh* I need new clothes....perhaps I'll see that woman again and get back my ring back, it may be use for something hmm' Itachi ponder as he walks towards the store he bought his clothes before.

As itachi was walking he noticed that many people were very lively and have a weird gadget on their eyes. 'Hmm? What's this? Are they able to see with that?' Itachi thinks to himself as he looks around.

Itachi was able to pick off a few words that the people were saying. He noted that these 'gadgets' are Obisidian's VR that recently got launched. Itachi was quite surprised about this since this could be revolutionary if this was brought in his world. This could be a way to train without even getting exhausted from chakra deficiency. Itachi was a bit wary since this could potentially be dangerous if used in the wrong hands. 'Whoever created this must of had great knowledge...there's also a chance that person has an ulterior motive' Itachi thinks to himself.

Itachi thoughts were stopped as he looks at the store he was before. It was a medium size store that was very popular since he saw people come in and come out every 3 minutes. Itachi then steps into the store and like before people started looking at him with flushed faces both woman and men. Itachi keeps his poker face and immediately spots the cashier he 'gave' the ring to. He then walks towards her and the women turns around and gives him a confused look?

The cashier then looks to see if he has any clothes he wants to buy and notice he doesn't.

Itachi was already close for him to be able to speak. " Excuse me miss do you still have that ring I gave you?" said Itachi in a monotone voice.

The cashier had bewildered face it then turn to a knowing expression.

The cashier shook her head and said "no I don't I sold it already, why?". The cashier had a wary look as she stares at Itachi eyes.

Itachi was unsatisfied by what she said and it was his fault he gave her that ring.

"Who?" said Itachi as he looks at the cashier eyes making her get goosebumps on her arms.

"W-what do you mean who?" said the cashier as she takes a step back.

"Who did you sell it to?" said Itachi calmly keeping his emotionless face.

"Oh- I sold it to a women...I don't really know about her, she just came up to me and told me to sell it to her and that's what I did.." said the cashier as she shows Itachi the money she got.

"I see" Itachi said as he tries to see if she's lying or not. He realize she was telling the truth and became a bit suspicious.

"How does that woman look like?" Itachi said.

"Why?" The cashier said with an eyebrow raised.

"How does the woman you sold "my" ring to look like?" said Itachi as he glared at the cashier.

"O-oh um sh-she  was old and h- had a pink suit" said the cashier stuttering her words.

'that doesn't really give me much detail about her, why would an old lady offer to buy a ring?' Itachi thinks to himself.

"I see" Itachi calmly said. *sigh*  Itachi looks at the money she had on her hand. 'This money is technically mine' Itachi thinks to himself


Itachi placed her on a Genjutsu and grabbed the money. Itachi began to count how much she sold it for. '$5000 she sold it for that much...hmm whoever this old lady is must be rich or have a strong force backing her up' Itachi thinks to himself as he puts the money on his pocket.

Itachi then looked back at the cashier and notice she was back where she was before. 'I still need new clothes' itachi thought as he goes to pick new clothes.

After 15 minutes of picking his clothes he went to pay for it. He might have 'stole' the food before but that doesn't mean he has to do it again. He might have done cruel things but he still has his morals.

After Itachi paid for his clothes he left the store and had 2 plastic bags on him. Itachi then began to look for a place to sleep in, since now that he had a bit money for him to have a roof over his head

Itachi found a motel and went to pay for his stay in. The motel he was staying was small but had acceptable living conditions. Itachi was only staying in this motel for a week, since it was quite expensive to stay for a week.

As itachi steps inside his room he noticed that it smelled fresh and the walls looked like they were painted recently.


Itachi closed the door and put his bags on the table. Itachi then went to open the refrigerator and saw that there was nothing there. 'I should have bought some eggs on my way here' Itachi thinks to himself with his eyebrows furrowed.

Itachi took a shower that lasted 20 minutes, after he was done showering he began changing into new clothes, White hoodie, and black sweatpants. Itachi stare at himself in the mirror and nodded and left the room he was staying in.

Itachi walked towards a grocery store that was pretty close to where he was staying. It took 5 minutes to get there. Itachi bought eggs and other necessities for him to live on.

After 30 minutes of shopping he payed for his stuff and left the store. He walks backs towards his room. Just as he was about to enter the room he heard a loud roar, that cause him to look where it came from. Itachi then heard people scream for help, cars crashing with other cars. 'Hmm?' itachi mentally hummed

Itachi saw what looked like a monster slamming cars and buildings. The "monster" then grabbed a small girl and began crushing her.

"AAAGHHH!!" the small girl scream in pain.


Itachi Uchiha in ArrowverseWhere stories live. Discover now