Chapter 3 - A dear memory

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A/N: Hopefully you readers had peaceful All Saints' Day and Happy Halloween. ( ( ^ o ^ ) )

I have cried and screamed here like crazy today, because the news of the Yashahime English dub cast! They are all back; Richard, Kira, Kirby, Kelly, Jillian and David!!! I'm just so happy right now, you have no idea! I have been waiting those news so much! ♡ Ehem... I try to calm down now. ^^' So, this chapter became a little long one, also very fluffy and syrupy sweet. Just warning! Hopefully no one will fall asleep, while reading. Enjoy!

Chapter 3 - A dear Memory

Kagome stares at the sky, feeling the coolness of the bench underneath her. One memory has been really hidden for a long time, but now Kagome decides to give it permission to come out. She sighs and clears her mind of everything else. Maybe it would make me feel better this time? Or then it just kills me... Kagome thinks and closes her eyes.


The day began to turn into an evening at the well of a bone eater. Kagome squeezed the familiar wooden edges of the well with white knuckles. She had to get somewhere to calm down, this place was important to her and just right for it. Sango asked earlier about her well-being and Kagome did know well, why she was worried about her.

She was lucky to have Sango as a friend, with whom she was able to clear up her thoughts, like Sango did too with Kagome. Inuyasha and Miroku were certainly not the easiest travel partners. However, Kagome had not been able to give the correct answers to her questions. She felt somewhat restless and went through her distressing thoughts with herself.

Inuyasha was going to kiss me in my room back then and said he would protect me, but... I guess even then he was only thinking of Ki - Kagome couldn't continue her thought to the end, feeling like even the mere thought was still hurting.

"And when I come back here just for a moment, we just get into a stupid fight with each other. As always... Even that tells it, right? No, there's nothing else between us! It wasn't even two-timing before, because there hasn't been anything like that, right? Damn... If only I could talk about this with mom, she could -"

Suddenly she felt like she wasn't alone anymore, but too late, when someone was already behind her. She startled when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Are you trying to drop me...? She thought as she turned to swing that hand away, but she stumbled and was going to fall into the well.

Kagome instinctively closed her eyes, waiting to fall into the glow of the well, moving to her own time. Or worse, she would just flop to the bottom of the well, among to the bones of the demons. At the last moment she felt arms around her and someone pulling her up from the well. But Kagome did recognize those someone's hands. Amazed golden-yellow eyes stared at her, while she realized that she was face to face with very familiar hanyō.

"Inu-Yasha..." she said in fright.

Their faces changed color in a redder direction, as they noticed how close they were each other and Inuyasha still holding on her for some reason. Why he won't let go...? Or maybe it's a good thing... Kagome thought, she was somehow feeling weird. She didn't know how well her numb feet would carry, if Inuyasha would let go of her.

Kagome didn't seem to be happy to see me here, but... Why I wouldn't want to let go of her yet? Inuyasha who was unable to move, thought.

"Oi... Are you okay?" Inuyasha asked softly.

"I'm... I'm just fine!" a little bit panicky Kagome responded with shrill voice, struggling away from Inuyasha's grip. No no no, that tone is already too much!

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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