CH 11 songwriting & starfish

Start from the beginning

Austin: I know it sounds crazy, but it's all part of our songwriting process. It's a long story.

Officer Dunphy: (Excited) Ooh, a story! Hmm, I love a story! (plays drums on his desk with his pencils, and chuckles) Tell me everything.

Ally's flashback begins

Ally: (Narrating) Me and Kenzie were trying to come up with something for the beach bash, and I finally got an idea.

Interior. Sonic Boom; Daytime

Ally walks in with her hands over he ears trying to block out all other noises, while scatting a tune in her head. Trish is trailing behind her.

Ally: Dah-Dah-Dah-ti-Dah-ta-Dah! Nobody talk to me! I've got a melody stuck in my head, and I don't want to lose it.

Trish: Nobody talk to me either. No reason, I just don't feel like talking to either of you.

Still trying to hold onto the melody in her head, Ally approaches the nearest piano, which has a young Afro-American girl roughly between the ages of eight and eleven sitting in front of it.

Ally: Excuse me, can I borrow the piano for a second? As Ally sits down to try to play, the girl bangs on the piano keys herself playing loudly and poorly, and scares her into thinking she's going to lose it.

Ally: Aahhh! I'm going to lose the melody. (tries singing it again)

Dez: Here, let me help you. Did it sound like this? (scats his own variation of the tune)

Austin: Dez, stop. You're not helping. Did it sound like this? (scats his own tune which is further away from what she wanted)

Kenzie: Neither of you are helping.

Trish: Hey, when did you guys get cowbells? (picks one up and starts ringing it)

Ally gets too irritated by the lack of help from her team, and runs up into the practice room, scatting the same tune. Austin and Kenzie follows her upstairs, since she has his career on the line and Kenzie wants to help her cousin.

Interior: Ally and Kenzie's Practice Room.

Ally sits down in front of her piano, and plays the tune in her head, finally pleased that she brought it to life.

Ally: Aaaah! That's it. That's the melody. Now let's put some chords behind it. (She does. Austin and Kenzie seem impressed, and when she's done, she sighs) So, what do you guys think?

Austin: It's a good song, Ally. It's just,... you wrote it in a minor key. It's so sad. (starts playing the piano himself, and pretends to be on the verge of tears) ♫Sad, sad, sad.♫ It should be in a major key -- Upbeat and happy. (starts off an upbeat version of Ally's tune," and decides to add one word as dummy lyrics) ♫Fun fun fun, f-fun.♫

Ally: (as Austin continues to play) Oh.

Austin: ♫Fun fun fun, f-fun.♫

Kenzie: Oh, I like that. (Ally and Kenzie perk the chords up a little more)

Austin: Now this could be a hot summer jam!

Ally: Oh yeah! That is jammin'. Huh. A jam on it! Uh, jammy-jam-jam! Jam-and-cheese sandwich! (sees Austin and Kenzie's not laughing along) One too many?

Austin: All too many. (Ally returns to the piano) Now we just need to think of some sweet lyrics about how awesome the beach is.

Kenzie: let me try

sand in my shoes and on my hair

water in my eyes

fun at the beach

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Where stories live. Discover now