CH 10 world records & work wreckers

Start from the beginning

Lester: (pops up with a guitar) 4 dollars and 36 cents. Ooh, Ally, I need you to carry these boxes upstairs for me with Kenz at Dance camp. You know I have a bad back.

Ally: There's a lot of boxes. Can we maybe hire someone to help?

Trish: I'm in between jobs right now. I'd love to work here.

Ally: I don't think so.

Lester: Absolutely not.

Trish: Why not? I'd be a great employee.

Ally: Trish, you've had 30 jobs in the last month. You've never even kept a job for 3 days.

Trish: That hurts. I worked at the calendar store for almost a week. And I know, because it was a calendar store.

Ally: It wasn't a week; it was a weekend. And I know because you called in sick and I filled in for both days. (picks up a box and carries it to Lester)

Lester: Ally, we can't afford to hire Trish. We can't afford to hire anyone. It's just me and you. Actually, it's just you. It's free sample time at the food court! (walks away as Austin and Dez come in spinning basketballs on their fingers)

Austin: Check it out, me and Dez are gonna set the world record for spinning a basketball on your finger.

Dez: The old record is 22 hours and 12 minutes. We are going to demolish it. (Austin and Dez exchange their signature handshake)

Trish: Which one of you doofs is gonna set the record?

Austin: What do you mean?

Ally: There can only be one record holder.

Austin: Probably me, I'm getting pretty good at this.

Dez: It's gonna take a lot more than pretty good to beat - very, pretty good.

Austin and Dez: (stand face to face) Oh, it's on! (both drop their basketballs)

Austin: Okay, it'll be on later.

Austin and Dez walk away as Ally goes over to pick up another box. However, Dallas walks into the store, and Trish notices first.

Trish: Psst. (Ally listens and attempts to clean herself up a bit)

Dallas: Hey, Ally. I wanted to thank you for mowing my lawn.

Ally: You don't have to thank me. I was already mowing in the neighborhood.

Trish: Yeah, Wednesday is Ally's mowing day.

Dallas: Well, I gotta get back to work. My boss only gives me a 5 minute break.

Ally: You think your job stinks? You should work here. (gestures to storage boxes)

Dallas: Yeah, I'll see you later, Ally. (walks away)

Ally: Not if your eyes are closed! (laughs and Austin and Dez come back) Why am I still laughing? (laughs)

Austin: Not sure. There's nothing funny about what just happened between you and Dallas. Where's Kenz?

Ally: Dance Camp

Interior. Practice Room

Austin walks in on Dez lifting a mini dumbbell with his finger, counting the reps out loud.

Dez: 91, 92, 93, 94...

Austin: What are you doing?

Dez: Strengthening my muscles so I can crush the basketball spinning record. (continues the exercise) Feel the burn, feel the burn! (stops and puts the dumbbell aside)

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