Part 1 - Denial is a stubborn thing

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It was a beautiful day in Green Gables, Matthew was in his vegetable garden digging up his vegetables, while Anne was with Marilla in the kitchen making pastries.

The teenage girl was just sneezing, her nose was red, meaning she had been dragging her cold for a while, she sneezed a big blow, smothering the noise in her apron.

"My word, I felt the house shake that time.", said Marilla who was standing next to her, "Now, where was I?", she went to the stove to watch the cooking.

"A cold in the head at the start of summer vacation is an immoral thing.", said the young redhead with a nasal voice.

"As are chatty distractions when a red ribbon is on the line.", replied the woman with the bun in a rather stern tone.

But Anne answered determinedly, "But nothing short of absolute pneumonia could quench my interest in culinary matters this morning. I am determined to do Mary proud at the fair tomorrow.", Then she took a deep breath, "Of course, cakes have such a terrible habit of turning out bad just when you especially want them to be good."

"You can start by not sneezing in the batter.", The elderly woman, who was always so serious, advised, "Now please try not to distract me. These plum puffs must remain famous, not infamous."

The girl looked at Marilla, "You have nothing to fear, Marilla, you win your category every year. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a Green Gables sweep?"

The old woman smiled at her, then Anne immediately added, "Your plum puffs, my "Mary" cake and Matthew's...", the latter could not finish her sentence and sneezed again in her apron, as for Marilla, surprised once again, she stared at her with a grimace.

Just as Marilla was about to say something, "by the way, I needed you to do me a favor today, I hope you're not too sick to-"

They heard someone shouting, "Whoo!!"

"Mercy on us! What was that?!", exclaimed the woman with the bun as she rushed out of the house. 

Anne was also surprised, she was going to join Marilla, but out of clumsiness she dropped a bottle on the floor, "Oh... no. The vanilla!"

Meanwhile, the old woman rushed outside, "Matthew! Are you alright?", she saw her brother kneeling in his vegetable garden holding a huge radish, "Goodness me!", she noticed immediately with a smile.

Jerry arrived at the same time, "Oh, Mr. Cuthbert, that is the biggest radish I ever seen."

"I reckon your friend Jack may take a backseat this year.", said Marilla, her brother immediately smiled proudly at the remark.

In the house, after cleaning up the broken glass, Anne went into the pantry, looking for another bottle of vanilla, panicked she rummaged through the shelves, "Oh, please, please, please, please..."

Then after a few seconds of searching, "Oh...Yes!", she whispered, she came across a small bottle with the label "Best Vanilla" on it. She was so relieved that she put a kiss on the bottle, which made her sneeze afterwards.

At the same time at the Blythe and Lacroix house, Sebastian was trying his hand at knitting in his room, comfortably seated on an armchair, with his daughter nearby in her crib.

When Gilbert suddenly walked into the room, "I think I made a mistake."

"You mean this morning's oatmeal?", Bash replied mockingly.

"I always appreciate these remarks about my cooking, but... I was wondering whether I should have invited Winifred to the fair. I think it would have been customary to do so.", the young man thought.

Maybe the Daisy will knowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora