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Heavy step after heavy step the sound of the Dread Doctors edging ever closer got louder. My head was killing from the mountain ash and the humming radiating from the walls wasn't helping.

"Where are they!" I groaned impatiently, my foot tapping harshly at the floor.

Stiles and Lydia were running out time and we could only hope they had or would find a hiding spot in time.

"We need to get her out now" Dr Fennis demanded staring down at Kira.

"Yeah well, how do we move her if we can't even touch her?" Scott combated before our attention shifted the thud behind us.

Behind the barred door was a Dread Doctor, his tall frame looming over one of the Eichen house wardens. A god awful squelching sound came from the worker's head as the Dread Doctor dislodged his hammer headed cane from it.

As it looked up at us through the iron bars I could feel it's eyes piercing into my soul. Nauseated I looked to Scott for answers, he always knew a way to get us out of this mess.

The static sound increased as the Kitsune behind me pulsated with growing electricity. The other two Dread Doctors joined their ally at the door, all of us watching them - stationary.

"I think you'd better run" Dr Fennis mentioned a feared expression falling over his face.

"I can't leave her" Scott protested.

"I can" The Dr stated as he bolted for the door, leaving us here.

The Dread Doctor raised his hand to the door, electricity pulsed towards it and in a matter of seconds it clicked open.

"Scott" I growned lowly.

He seemed to wake from the fear caused trance and raced over to his girlfriend still passed out on the concrete. "Come on" He groaned.

The pulsed attached to his frame as he pulled her up into his arms. My mouth gaped open as I watched his skin rip and burn from her powers. The smell of burning flesh seeped into the air suffocating us. Inhaling deeply I rushed to the door opening for them as the lightly around us shattered and burst with sparks.

Scott followed after me as we stomped up the staircase and through the long winding halls until we were finally out. They fell to the floor by the front steps as we caught our breath. Kira and him spoke for a moment before falling silent and resting.

Breathing deeply I ran a hand through my hair and waited for the other to get back to us.

~Time Skip~

Isaac's P.O.V;

"So, basically, we're looking doe abnormal behaviour?" Theo clarified, leaning against the railing.

"Anyone acting a little off or a little weird" Scott nodded from beside me.

I looked down at the students walking away from classes below us "Isn't everyone a little weird in high school?" I raised my eyebrow and glanced back to Scott and Theo.

McCall sighed and started to walk away down the stairs. I glanced the Theo who gestured for us to follow him, which we did.

"You remember Tracy went on a killing spree after reading that?" I brought up, not too keen on the idea of going anywhere near that book. Theo hummed in agreement.

"You guys think it's a bad idea?" Scott asked looking between us both.

"I think Malia almost getting run down by a car could've been bad" the blonde mentioned. "That's why you guys haven't finished it, right?"

Scott ran a hand against his neck whilst glancing to the photocopy in his other hand. "We're going to"

"Scott I came here hoping to find a pack" He stressed "I wasn't planning on watching one fall apart"

I rolled my eyes at Theo before moving forward quicker. "Too bad" I mumbled and Theo glared at me.

"The book's all we've got" The alpha moved on.

"Then I'll read it too" Theo stated which surprised us both.

Scott nodded thankfully at the beta before Theo walked off to his car leaving me with the brunette. There was a short silence as we walked to the parking lot.

"Have you gone to see her yet?" Scott asked carefully, I wasn't sure if he actually knew anything but it wasn't my place to say. No matter how angry or hurt I was by her.

I shook my head and swallowed stiffly at the lump in my throat.

"Do you want to?" The alpha cocked his head to the side at me. "She's staying on the lower level of the loft, at the moment" He gave me a small smile.

I pausing walking and looked down, part of me never wanted to see her again but the other half knew it would be better too.

"Maybe" I hummed.

"She'll be at the meeting later" Scott nodded.

Silence. Again. But I could see that Scott was itching to speak, his lips parted and eyebrows frowned ever so slightly.

"Say it" I nodded to him.

"She's not the same..." He paused looking to his feet "It's like she's retreated into herself. She's skinner and her eyes are darker, whatever that person did, whatever's happened it's changed her"

I bit my lip, he didn't know. My heart clenched as I remember the pain I felt as my mind raced with the possibilitie of pain she was feeling as I tried to sleep. I hated that Scott was still feeling that way. I wanted to tell him. Hurt Y/n by telling him- fuck it telling the whole pack.

I wanted to watch as their mouths fell open in shock and their hearts burned with betrail, just like mine did. I wanted to see the pain in her eyes are her pack rejected her. But I couldn't bring myself to do that to her.

I still loved her.

I've been gone a while but I'm writing a couple chapters right now. Thank you for all the recent love I've been getting on both of these books, it brings me so much joy.

I hope you like the chapter.


Shattered Minds ➸ Isaac Lahey x Reader   (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now