Chapter 3 - Little Things

Start from the beginning

"Aww! Reyansh, we spoke almost every other day and you still missed me? Aren't you the cutest?" Kayal raised her hands to pull his cheeks and her husband reluctantly allowed her to do so.

"I think you've had enough to drink!" He reprimanded her and took her flute away.

"Dude yaar! Don't do this Reyansh!" Kayal was all set to climb on top of him to grab her flute but he had raised it above his head and further up, preventing from reaching it. This only increased her determination to reach for the wine glass and all her inhibition was gone with the wind. Her mind was focused on one thing alone, and that was the to get the flute from him.

"This can be counted as sexual harassment, you know!"

Confused at his statement, Kayal looked down from the flute only to find her husband's face being close to her. Without her realizing, she had straddled him while provocatively grazing their bodies together. As it dawned to her that he was getting turned on upon seeing his dilating pupil, she jumped away from him onto the other side of the couch. Embarassed from the tiny incident, she refused to look at him despite being called out a few times now. She had only hummed and fixed her gaze at the window, away from him.

"Look at anywhere but him!" Her mind had sent strict orders to her eyes and they seem to be more than eager to go against it.

"Kayal, I was just kidding. Here you go!" Reyansh sighed when she had avoid looking at him. His gaze fell down on her fingers which were clutching the hem of her T-Shirt tightly. Her knuckles were clearly getting pale from the pressure she was applying on it. Her cheeks on the other hand, seemed to be flared up as he noticed the slight shade of red appearing. Despite the fact that her complexion was dark brown, he could still notice the hues on her cheeks. There were only two possibilities for that to happen. One, she must be really embarrassed or two, she must be blushing!

"Could it be the latter? Could she be blushing?"

"Are you blushing, Kayal?" Reyansh voiced out almost immediately after the thought running through his mind.

"Dude, you're always joking and playing around." She swatted his arms that reached out to her face, turning her to look at him.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I kinda mighta sorta feel embarrassed and your pupil even dilated, so I just... I... "

"You thought I was getting turned on?" He was always very open and frank when it comes to this topic while she on to other hand had somewhat found it scandalous to be discussed openly, even if it is with him.

Burying her face into her palms, Kayal nodded. She didn't know what else to do and was still dealing with the fact that she might have just accidentally turned on her husband of convenience.

"I'm a straight man with sexual needs and desire, Kayal. You can't just expect me to not be even remotely affected by what you did especially when I'm on abstinence. Even if it was unintentional, it happened and I don't think there's any cause for you to be embarrassed about it."

"You don't have to be on abstinence, Reyansh. I mean... I did mentioned to you when we were getting into this marriage that I can't offer you physical relationship but I never refrained you from having one for yourself, right?"

"Kayal, even if its just for convenience, we are still married. I can't make myself to go after another woman and cheat on you. I thought I had made myself clear the same time!" Reyansh's answer had rendered her speechless. Both of them sat silently for a while. They kind of just had their first argument after marriage, didn't they?

"So is this our first fight after marriage?" Reyansh broke the deafening silence.

"I think, it might be!" She chuckled. "But it might not be as well. I mean, it's more like an argument, right? Not exactly a fight. We didn't yell at each other. We just talked and stated our opinions."

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