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Y/N's POV:
After yesterday night I didn't feel like talking to Hawks.  Things were too awkward now and it's even worse that I'm living with him.  "Come on Y/N!  Stay strong, living with him is only temporarily.." I mumbled to myself, giving myself false hope that things will die down.  "Ok! I'll confront and apologize to him head on right now!" I shook my hands and stretched a bit, preparing myself for impact. I pushed the desk out the way, opening it slowly making the door creak a bit too loud for my own liking.  I tiptoed my way down stairs, hiding in corners.  "Hm, no sign of him so far," I muttered to myself looking both ways.  "No sign of who? Who are we looking for?"  As I was about to respond, I froze. My body sweating shitlessly.  "E-eh!" I squeaked, slowly turning around to see him.  "AHhhhh!"  "AHHhh! WHY ARE WE YELLInG!?"

"H-HAWKs?!"  I jumped a few inches away from him but ended up tripping instead, falling flat on my head.  "OW!!"  "Y/N!" Hawks quickly ran my aide despite how awkward things were yesterday.  "Y/N, y/n, y/n... dumb Y/N," Hawks said calmly.  A feather immediately came off of wing bringing a bowl of hot water and a cloth. I felt a hand holding me which made me yelp a bit. "Upsy daisy!" Hawks nonchalantly grabbed me, carrying me into his room full of Endeavor plushies and a few posters here and there. "Hawks, you know I can walk myself." I pouted with annoyance.
"Well maybe if you weren't tiptoeing all over the place, this sad site would've been avoided," Hawks replied wittily while he put the cloth into the hot water.

"Well Ha-"
"This might hurt a bit," Hawks said softly as he interrupted me. He squeezed the water out of the cloth, putting it gently on me. "Ehh.. ow.."
"I told you darling." After a few minutes passes by of silence, Hawks finally stands up, walking out of the door. "Eh! Where are you going!" Hawks turns around kinda surprised, now leaning on the door frame. "Aw, does Y/N misses me already~"
And, he's back to his normal self. I sigh, looking at the window hiding my glare. "Ya know what never mind. Forget it." Hawks sighs, closes the door shut walks straight towards me. "Ugh are you deaf! You can leave now! I'm RESTINGGG!!" My tone now going to neutral to annoyed.

Once he was getting closer, I instantly move but it's too late. He tackles me, pinning me to the bed. Even without his feathers, I still struggle to get this doofus off of me. The demeanor of his is the same as yesterday. "Y/N, what's your damn problem."
"NOTHING!" I replied gritting through my teeth, getting annoyed myself. "Stop lying!" His golden eyes overcoming rage and bitterness. "I. AM. FINE." I cried out.  "What the hell is wrong with you!"  Hawks forcibly grabs my pj shirt, his eyes full of disappointment and confusion.  Our faces almost touching.  "You know what's wrong with me!  I'm tired of you treating me like a child!"

Hawks slowly letting go of my pj after that, his face unreadable.  He gets off me, now sitting on the bed, hand covering his mouth.  "Why can't you be more honest with me, Y/N," he inquires softly.  I lay on the bed not what say, a bit confused.  I slowly rise up, rubbing my wrists softly.  "What do you mean?"  I blinked in confusion, tilting my head.  "When you're around me with the others you act so tough... but when you're alone with me you're so... flustered, it kinda pisses me off."  He chuckles softly, nearing closer to me. "Y/N.."

"Eh!!" My blush more redder than usual.  "I'm not dumb," the blonde says with a smirk on his face.  "W-What does that mean?!!"  I panic a bit, feeling embarrassed.  "Nothing...~" Hawks says with a hint of tease in his voice.  I then twiddle my fingers, embarrassed about what happened earlier.  "I'm sorry about yesterday... I didn't mean to make things awkward and today..." I said awkwardly, my face now tomato red.  I felt a hand ruffling my hair softly and looked up to see Hawks grinning.  "I'm sorry to Y/N about how I acted too, it was immature of me."  I nodded and smiled lightly. 

"I act like that to you because I care.  You're my responsibility, you have to understand that," Hawks said seriously.  "I know...," I nodded thoughtfully, placing my head on Hawks' shoulder.  Suddenly Hawks grabs my hand, nearing them towards his face.  "Y/N, please I want to know more about you, stop leaving me in the dark."  A small smile formed on my face making me giggle a bit.  It was kind of ironic in a way...

"I could say the same thing about you!" 

The Wild Side: Hawks x reader (DISCONTINUED/MIGHT REDO IN THE FUTURE)Where stories live. Discover now