🙏 Chapter 68. The fear 🙏

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Narad Muni's POV:

"Is anything left now? What should we do now mamashree?",Duryodhan asked and sighed. Dushasan got up angrily and said,"What will mamashree say now. I am just fed up of his plans. We lost our so many brothers and I know again mama will say shaant bhanje shaant i have an evil plan".

Duryodhan said,"It's not his mistake we could have defeated both of them but we three forgot about karn".

Dushasan still in anger said,"Now will u say anything or not mamashree?".

Dushasan was getting irritated but mamashree shakuni didn't say anything and just bent his head down.

On the other side:-

Radha looked at Shree Krishna and asked,"Now what krishna?".

Krishna said,"Radhe have patience. You will get to know everything soon. Have some patience".

Satyabhama looked at Krishna and said,"Arya you are asking us to be in patience but let me remind you that you know everything and it's very easy for you to ask us to be in patience".

Nakul started laughing and said,"Just look at shakuni".

Dharmraj Yudhishthir's eyes were wide while looking at the scene. He said,"Really I never saw mamashree in so depression".

Krishna said,"This is because in prithvilok he wanted to destroy everything but now if he will be defeated then he has to go to khandahar. He is very smart".

Krishna smirked and Radha said,"Yes and you are a fool krishna".

Everyone started laughing while Shree Krishna asked innocently,"What! Now what did I do?".

Subhadra stood up and said,"Ohoo. Stop your fight and bhrata please just look where is arya and bhrata".

Krishna nodded his head and sighed and said - ohk!

On the other side:-

Arjun and karn were moving together and met a place and saw that Abhimanyu and Uppandavas were there but something else was there which raised their blood level and made them very angry. The dark yellow coloured body , with brown hair around the face and a long tail at the back and four legs but no hands and were having a crave for uppandavas and Abhimanyu. The crave for hunting not to eat them was increasing within them. They were slowly coming towards them and the worst part they can't move as they don't have their mind to stay conscious at their present time. A lion roared fully making anyone loose sweat due to fear and then started running towards children but then from the back the shout of Arjun was heared and it could not make anyone loose sweat but could make anyone see hell.

After hearing the roar not of lion but of Arjun could make anyone go to the deep thoughts of terrible pain. All the lions looked at him with anger who shouted and disturbed but when they looked back it seemed like they will not say anything and will quietly decide to move back. First came forward Arjun with his right foot front.

His foot was placed like the ground got feared due to this footstep. Arjun's eyes who showed the anger and one look through his eyes towards anything would make him burn into ashes. His whole body had burning within him. The anger, this position of him made Duryodhan feel that now he has no chance to win now as he know that if after looking at his children in this condition would make him burn like fireball then what will the conclusion be when he will get to know about his queen of hearts, the PANDAVA'S QUEEN OF HEART.

Arjun continuously shot arrows with Karn behind. They both were looking like heroes who were bond with the relation of brothers....

Meetings In Heaven ✅ (Under Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin