🙏 Chapter 43. Where are they? 🙏

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Radha's POV :

I let out a sigh. Doesn't know what is gonna happen next. Which sadness is next to be welcomed in our life!

It were my thoughts which were flowing like the water falling from waterfall. I let out a sigh and moved towards the window and looked out at the beautiful garden and flowers.

"These flowers are so beautiful right?",I turned and found Mata Kunti there. I looked down and was in no mood to reply.

Mata came forward and said,"Look at these flowers. These are so beautiful and are placed at fixed place but they are not lucky enough to move from their to protect themselves from the strong winds or from anything which would make them fall off from their stem".

Silence is now there. The twinkling sound of wind chime is heared because of wind. Is she trying to teach me something.

She continued,"We can understand that yes these flowers can't do anything to protect themselves from these problems but what about us?! If these flowers can stay here even when they can't move even then atleast we can move right? Then why to get afraid of problems. Learn to fight with them".

I looked at her. Did she understood my emotions!? I today got that MOTHER IS MOTHER. No one can be so much understanding than mothers.

I looked at her with teary eyes. I wanted to hug her. She nodded her head in no and hugged me tightly. Mother love is so beautiful and tastes so sweet. The most protective side I feel when it's about mothers.

She wiped my tears which were just about to flow down. She smiled calmly and said,"These tears are very important for our life. If you shed them then you will feel very light. But never ever shed them to show your weakness!".

I smiled back a little at her and hugged her again. I wanted to stop this time. This world seems like became so beautiful after this.

I looked at her but then we heared Rukmini jiji's scream and immediately ran out.

Everyone who were there in the palace came running towards Rukmini jiji's chamber. But there was no one in the chamber.

We looked for her all around but she was nowhere. Then it was that point of time when we noticed that Subhadra, Satyabhama and Uppandavas were also missing. Everyone got afraid now.

Everyone just looked at Krishna but he bent his head down and went away. I followed him as I now want to talk to him now whatever may come. Dau also wanted to come but rather I  stopped him and went alone following Krishna.

Krishna went to garden full of flowers, following him was me and he sat at bench while I too sat there beside him on his left. There was a silence. It was like we both were able to feel each other's pain. I can understand that with what internal emotions he is going throughy. To make him feel better all I said was,"Krishna, I know u are too much worried. But this cannot change anything. You only taught me to move forward then how can you broke down. I know the most painful is to loose Rukmini and Satyabhama. It's hurtful for me too krishna and yes I am with you. You don't have to worry".

I held his left hand. Krishna smiled at me and said, "I know Radhe that you are always there with me".

"But Krishna tell me one more thing",Radha said.

"What?", Krishna asked.

" Isn't it unbelievable that Rukmini and satyabhama got caught and....",She was saying but Krishna said,"I know what you are trying to ask but overhere always understand Radhe that Lakshmi's soul is in two parts, she is not one and what we say to future and destiny. Whatever is written that is gonna be happening and yes my blood is rising up with anger as how dare they to take them and abduct them. Radhe I am not going to leave any of them. I will give them the most painful punishment".

I stood up in anger. My blood was boiling too with anger. I turned to him and said,"Yes you should krishna but at first calm down. You should eat something now I have brought Makhan for you I have made it from my own hands".

I calmed a little. He said,"Then feed me with your own hands only".

He smirked while I feed him Makhan with my own hands lovingly.

I still had one question which I rapidly asked,"But where are they?"

"Who radhe?"

"Rukmini and satyabhama....and..."

He sighed and said,"let's see".

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