[Part T] 7. The boy that fought for himself.

Start from the beginning

I don't think they read anything tho

but still, that's so fucking disrespectful

what iffff
I've got an idea

Hongjoong got up from the bed, a smirk on his lips. "Let's ignore our friends, like revenge. I'll ignore Mingi and Yunho and you'll ignore San and Wooyoung!" He explained excitedly.

Seonghwa quickly wrote.

what if we both ignore all of them?
and spend some time just you and me?

The younger looked back up to him, nodding in agreement. Another idea flashed through his mind. He got close to Seonghwa and tried to keep it cool but for unknown reasons, his heart wouldn't let him. Where is "confident street rat" Hongjoong?

"Could I..." Too close, he placed himself too close to Seonghwa, the older stood up and his eyes changed. His soft eyes became sharp eagle ones. He no longer remembered what idea came to his head earlier, his eyes looked up to the black-haired boy. He was big, much bigger than him, Hongjoong just realised.

"What?" Seonghwa said. One of the words he was confident with, he was okay saying small words and speech therapy helped. He wished he said it right and not too loud. Where did he get the confidence to just speak?

Hongjoong froze, his eyes locked to Seonghwa's. <<He spoke to me...>> he though mesmerised. The deepness of his voice never failed to amaze the shorter.

Unconsciously both got closer, and closer, and closer. What was happening? Was this for real? None could tell, but the distance didn't stop shrinking until their lips touched.

Seonghwa's full lips against Hongjoong's soft ones. Cloud 9.

Just like a calm song, their lips dance together like a pair of newbies. It was sweet, unexpected by both parties but desired. For how long or how hard they had been waiting for this moment? They couldn't tell. But it felt just right, their soft lips together, Hongjoong's hands around Seonghwa's waist and the older's caressing Hongjoong's cheeks.

It felt so right until it felt wrong. What were they doing exactly? Why were they doing it?
Hongjoong pulled apart, his cheeks and ears red. He looked down to the floor and paced around his place restless and embarrassed.

This was not meant to happen. "I-I'll be going now." He said pointing with his thumbs at the back where the door was, immediately turning nervously on his heels and closing the door as fast as possible.

Seonghwa stood there frozen. Today was just a day filled with emotions...

Hongjoong knocked hardly on Jongho's door and rang the bell at the same time. He was beyond embarrassed, adrenaline run through his whole body. Yunho opened the door.

"Where's Jongho?" He asked nervous. The taller pointed confused to the inside of the dorm with his thumb. "Good, now get out of here."

"But thi—"

"OUT." Hongjoong pushed him aside and closed the door in front of his face. Leaving a clueless Yunho outside of his own room.

"What the fuck." Jongho said from his desk, books open and pen on hand.

"I'm mad at him and I need to talk to you." He explained. Jongho just answered with a hum.

The older sat on a bed, right in front of his friend. Jongho turned on his chair and asked him to start speaking.

"I did something wrong." He looked down at his hands.

Jongho sighed, "Gods, Yunho and Mingi came saying the same, what's up?" He got comfortable to listen to his best friend.

Hongjoong spoke nervously. "I... I kissed Seonghwa." He decided to say it plain and real.

Jongho opened his eyes wide, leaning towards his friend not believing his friend at all, but if it was real he needed all the details. "You did what now? Spill the tea!"

Hongjoong blinked. "What tea?! This is bad Ho!" He exclaimed.


"He's a man!"

"And I care because..?"

"Gods Jongho, I don't like men! And it's wrong..." He said fidgeting his fingers anxiously.

"What exactly is wrong Joong Hyung? That you are telling me? That it was a man? That you are showing your vulnerable side?" The younger asked calmly.

For some reason, these words hit Hongjoong's heart like arrows; unexpected and painful. His eyes became watery, another thing to be embarrassed by today. He didn't want to cry, he couldn't.

"Hyung, it's okay to cry." The younger said and sat down next to Hongjoong, wrapping his arm over his shoulders. Finally, he let out a couple of tears.

"But mom, dad, my brother, my family, my friends... They are going to be disappointed, it's not okay." He wiped his tears away with his sleeves.

"What friends? Am I not one? I don't mind, I'll love you anyway. And your parents? Family? Are they here now?" Hongjoong shook his head.
"Listen Joong, when I first came here, I tried to be as bad and 'cool' as I was back there. How my parents told me, how people from there told us: masculine, someone who doesn't cry, a heart breaker, a 'real man'. Gods, remember that time we painted our nails as kids in my house and my dad hit us both?" Jongho laughed it off as a silly memory. Putting a sad smile on Hongjoong.

"And looks t you now, your nails are always painted, you dress how you want, you do what you want. Our parents don't care anymore, they left us out of the bird's nest. We are on our own in the huge world now. They can't hurt us anymore. They can't tell us what to do, not them, or anybody.
And I'm telling you, nobody cares who you kiss and what you wear in the big city!" Jongho shook his friend a little to make him smile, he did.

"Here you can even have three snakes as pets and people are going to think you are the coolest one out there!
I'm not saying this place is heaven or immaculate, there are millions of things to fix, people look at you. They always look at you.
Humans judge, the society judges, it's inevitable. They 'judge' as much as they 'respect'. But your friends don't Hongjoong. We are here for you, you don't have to think that way anymore, I assure you. I've been there, I've also been lied to." The younger cupped his face and made him look at his eyes.

"Do you understand? Mingi, Yunho and I... Even Yeosang, San and Wooyoung... And of course Seonghwa! We all are here for each other. If we don't care, who will Joong?" Jongho said. Hongjoong held the younger wrist, his eyes burning again. Jongho's eyes shined watching his friend cry, he was about to too.

"We already learnt the hard way, we are already broken, can't we be free now?"

A/N: I'm fucking crying.

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