Special chap: HALLOWEEN!

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[A/N: reminder to check out my other stories like No❤️, Kitty-incidence or The Pirate and The King (all seongjoong) if you're liking this one pls!!]

Seonghwa woke up earlier than on a normal Saturday because today wasn't a normal Saturday. It is Halloween night! Outstandingly the best celebration of the year. And like every year, the tall boy prepared an amazing costume to wear at the campus party.

Wooyoung and Yeosang usually don't come along tonight. They are the type to stay at home watching horror movies until sunrise, and being now roommates made it even better.

On the other hand, San and Seonghwa loved dressing up and going to parties that night. This year they wore matching outfits, Seonghwa was Zuko and San Sokka. Yes, from Avatar, but make it spooky and deadly. Like... Zombie Zuko and Sokka.

They spent the whole month doing the costumes and were proud and eager to show.

He still had some things to fix so he headed to San's room right next to his on the dorm.


Being the opposite, Hongjoong woke up late, almost at midday. He had no plans for tonight, nor costumes or anything, but his gut feeling told him that if he went to the skate park something good could happen. He ignored it though... Watching horror short films looked like more fun that day.


It was almost time, San and Hwa went to see a movie at Yeosang's dorm before the party started at 11 pm. They watched 'The nightmare before Christmas' because it has always been the oldest favorite movie. They watched it every Halloween.

The two waved goodbye before heading out to the party. As soon as they entered campus the atmosphere changed. It was decorated by the students themselves, and a live band called 'The Rose' -that was very famous amongst the students- was already playing inside.

Outside were small candy and food stalls selling Tteokbokki, fishcake, kimchi-ppang, banana milk...

"We should get some food first, then drink," San said while signing. The taller nodded and went straight to get something. He stopped on a pancake stall, just beside the sports hall where the loud music was coming from.

[I can feel the music.] Seonghwa signed with a smile. San nodded back, he loved it when his friend looked happy. Unlike when they first met, when he was just a scared cat.

The two got their pancakes and rice cakes and sat on a bench, observing people's costumes and make-up. They saw the infamous ChanLix couple dressed up as Vampires, who said hello from the distance. Winwin and his friends were all dressed as princesses(kinda hilarious). Seoho carried a giant Pepe the Frog around campus and professor Kibum wore his amazing Clown costume.

San tapped Hwa's shoulder. "Want something else? Or we just enter the party?" Seonghwa got up and headed inside the party. San following with a cooky smile.

Now it is time; forget about sweet Seonghwa and caring San.


"What should we see now?" Wooyoung asked.

"We could watch 'Train to Busan', then 'Scary Movie' and lastly we can finish the night with a Shrek marathon" Yeosang suggested getting up for more food. They just finished watching 'La Monja'.

"Woah you had everything already planned, right?" Yeosang just shrugged his shoulders teasingly.

"Maybe, maybe not," he said sitting down and handing a bowl of popcorn to his friend. "Hwa told me Hongjoong apologized to him using sign language, he spent two days learning it" He continued, looking for the movie on Netflix. He saw Wooyoung looking at him with a confused expression. "I helped him learn it, that's how I know."

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