[Part A] 2. I hate it here.

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Well, yes and no. It's been a couple of weeks since I arrived, and let me tell you I didn't make a single friend. Since when was it this difficult to find someone I like? Just one person that doesn't look like they are going to flex all their money right in front of my face.

Walking from place to place I saw cool people, but not even one went with me to class. What was this? I signed up to be surrounded by people whose clothes where stained from painting for hours, but I was the only one at paint class who didn't have an apron. The fuck?

I haven't talked to anyone other than the cook at the dining room for weeks! If it wasn't because I constantly talk to myself in my dorm I would have forgot how to do it by now.

The fact that the floor I was at was full of rich mean people who looked at me disgusted didn't help at all. I should make sure to let them know I'm not someone you can look down at. I'm way scarier than what I look, and my hair is cooler too.

Today is Monday, and I have my tray with food in my hands, ready to have dinner. At least the food here was good, although I wasn't able to finish that enormous amount they give us all the time. My stomach was quite small, and to be honest I'm not the tallest man on heart either.

But it has been a bad a day. I messed up my canvas and some cleaning staff got mad at me for using the skate, I wasn't even inside the building what the actual fu-. Then at lunch time I couldn't even enter the place, it was so crowded I had to skip it or I wouldn't make it to my next class. To add a little more of shit to the list, people still looked at me strangely even when I wore my less worn out clothes.

Today I even tried to look like I could afford buying a new shirt and they still glanced disrespectfully. My patience has a limit.

So there you had me; walking mad trying to find a table to sit at, looking aggressively to my food and pissed the fuck off.

Suddenly I crashed with someone and all the food fell onto me. I didn't fall(luckily) but my clothes were full of soup now. Seriously today couldn't get any worst. Then the running river that was my patience overflowed. I was mad, I was angry. Something just clicked on my mind and I exploded.

I pushed the taller boy with rage, who also had his tray on his hands and spilled his food on the floor and his clothes just like me. He looked surprised.

"Look where you are going! Didn't you see me passing by? Huh?" There was no answer . He wasn't even looking at me. I pushed him again, making him let go of the tray, that fell loudly to the floor. Some eyes were on us now.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU ARE NOT EVEN GOING TO SAY SORRY?!" My blood was boiling at this point. Was he going to remind quite all the time? I got aggressively close to him, grabbing his collar and pulling him down to my level.

"WHAT? YOU THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME? I'M SOMEONE YOU CAN LOOK DOWN TO JUST BECAUSE OF HOW I LOOK?!" The whole place went silent in no time and focused on whatever was going on.

A boy appeared from behind who I was shouting to and released my grip from him. He was a little shorter than his friend—-I guessed they were, since he looked mad at me and did just the same I did to his friend: grab me from the collar of my(unlike the others) worn-out shirt.

"You insane!? Got any problems with him? Then you have problems with me!" His grip was obviously stronger than mine, his shoulders where wide and his hair had a white piece at the front.

"Of course I do!" I answered without thinking.
"Y'all think being richer makes you better than everybody else" I said furious making our foreheads touch, if I said it a little more aggressively I could have spat all over his face.

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