the promise

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Its been a few months off and gun got engaged and planning their wedding that they were going to have in a few weeks. Everyone was really excited that they finally getting married. Their fans were so happy that their ship was real and they were happy. Gun was getting the last min things done so they can relax before the wedding because him and off was shooting different series. Gun was doing the gifted 2 and off was shooting k2 girl.
Tay and new got married last month and doing well with their marriage and shooting different series to. Everyone was happy off ex was finally happy to and let him see his son when ever he could and they even go on outing cause soon gun was would be step dad and gun was so happy to be having a child. His life was finally complete.

Gun papi what you want for dinner while im heading home now.

Off any babe i love your cooking i dont even eat till i get home just to have your cooking.

Gun ok papi i love you see you when you get home.

The next few weeks were so happy for them and the the day of the wedding and gun was getting ready people was already there waiting for them. Off was so happy to finally getting the man he loves. Here comes gun waking looking for sexy in his outfit. Blue and white shirt and a nice looking tie. Off was looking at him with so much love and happiness. Its time to say what they want to say

Off the day i met you i found the missing part of my self the part that made me better and want to become better. You made me understand love and what it means to really love and i wont change i will never stop loving you thank gun for becoming part of my life

Gun when i met you i didnt know that it would be this way i didnt know that i could fall in love so fast and so hard. You made my life so wonderful you made my dream come true when i met you son you gave me a child that i always wanted i could never ask for more i love you papi

They wete finally married they were so happy

The end thanks guys

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