the club

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It was a long week for them as shooting and not getting done till late. this weekend they were going to have some fun. tay, New, Oab,Krist, and singto were going to a club to drink and have some fun they invited off and gun. Off wasn't going to go but gun wanted to go so he went to keep him safe. they all got ready and headed out to meet at the club.

Gun Off you ready

Off yea im leaving now to pick you up so we can go

Gun ok im ready

Off left to get gun so they can go. when they got there they were inside wating for them. everyone was having fun. Oab was getting drinking for everyone he took some pills and put it in gun cup so he can take him home and make him his. they all got drinks and was dancing. then gun was feeling weird he was dizzy and couldn't really see. then Oab got him and took him to his car to drive him home. Off wasn't feeling right so he went to get gun from Oab.

Off Oab let me take him home i can get there fast, he is asleep.

Oab i got him i already got him in the car he is fine im going to take him to my place.

Off no i can take him home here give him to me.

Oab why are you so worried about him. you like him dont you, its ok you can tell him.

Off even if i do it doesnt matter, but i know you like him to i hear you in the bathroom talking to someone about gun.


off was walking to the bathroom and hear Oab on the phone.

Oab are you sure these pills won't hurt gun i don't want to hurt him i just want to sleep with him and make him mine.

off hear what he said and then he walked away and sat back down and was thinking. then he saw Oab take gun to his car. so he left to get him.

Flashback ends

Off this is not the way to make someone love you

Oab he will love me one day and this will be nothing.

Off when he wakes up and finds that you raped him whe he was on drugs that you gave him will be hurt and won't forgiving you for what you did. Everyone came out and got gun from the car and off took him home to let him sleep off the pills that Oab gave him.

Off went to to shower and got into bed and laid with gun watching him sleep. Oab was right i do like him but i cant tell him just yet i have to see if he likes me back. he will know soon and he went to sleep thinking about what he might to do.

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