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Off really didn't that this could happen to him he was very happy to know that gun was going to be his partner. Off didn't say anything about as gun sat down to talk about the drama. P Godji told them what is was and they both liked it was ready to start.

Off Gun are you ok with me as your partner.
Gun yea we just need to get to know you better. Do you want to get something to eat
Off sure yea lets go

Off and gun got there stuff and when to get something to eat and talk about the script.

Off its called puppy honey and it seems nice and slow for us for the first drama as us aw partners. Hows your food

Gun good not bad how about u

Off good i like it

They got to talking and really didn't pay attention to time and have been talking since lunch and now they at off place cause it was closer. They had a fun time really just talking. They clicked together like they knew each other before

Gun i feel like i know you.

Off are you sure

Gun thats it last year when i almost fell you saved me.

Off you finally remember

Gun you knew and remember me

Off yea it wasnt hard you made me think of you from time to time.

They were having fun till it was time for bed they have to get up early tomorrow they start filming puppyhoney.

Gun got home and showered for tomorrow and laid in bed thinking how he couldn't remember off and why did he feel all happy knowing that off was his partner. He couldn't wait till tomorrow and he seen that there was kiss in the script to.

Meanwhile off got ready for bed and though that gun was going to be his partner and how happy he was. He hasn't seen gun in a year but he knew he liked him from the moment they met.

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