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it was about a year before they became partners for puppy honey and they really didnt know that it was going to happen. 

one day gun was walking around bangkok and wasn't paying attention where he was walking and almost tripped and fell but thinking he was going to fall  but then he looked up and seen a guy that caught him. 

oh thanks for not letting me fall.... No problem and are you ok

Yea im fine thank you im gun and you are... Off my name is Off 

What are you doing that you almost got hurt.... dealing with some stuff.

they started to talk and getting something to eat and talked about some things and why they were there. they talked for a few hours and had a lot of fun. Gun knew he had to leave soon cause he had other stuff to get done. Off knew he needed to leave soon cause he had to get home. they told each other they needed to go and parted ways forgetting to get their Line ID. 

A year later Off and Gun both got into GMM TV and both had a new Drama to start and was going to have a partner and they was going to get ready to meet  each not knowing they already met a year ago. Off got to the building before gun and was up in the meeting room sitting down with PGodji, so they can talking the drama they are going to be in. About 10 mins later here comes gun and was sorry he was late and Off looked up to see that it was gun from before.

thanks its a new book hope you like it.

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