Chapter Five

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Third person POV

As I looked behind me I saw the most scariest thing I have ever seen it was a wolf growling at me. But it was no normal wolf as this wolf was not the size of a regular wolf it look twice the size of a regular wolf. And it's eyes where this deep blood red colour I was so scared that I feel like I was frozen in place.

But I quickly lost that feeling when this wolf started taking steps towards me and it was like something in my head just switched on. As without even thinking I turned in the direction of my home and started running as fast as I could  I was running so fast that everything around me looked like a blur.

I don't know why but I looked behind and I saw the wolf was running after me. This scared me even more so I pushed myself to go even faster. I kept running not wanting to look behind me again.

As I saw my house come into view just as I make it to the door I open it so fast then ran inside once in the  house I closed the door and locked it. I looked outside the window to see if the wolf was out there but as I looked out I didn't see the wolf at all.

Thoughts ran through my head had I just out ran a wolf did the wolf stop chasing me did the wolf get spooked by something in the woods man. I am such an over thinker but theses questions needed answers.

I then realised that I don't hear my mother in the house or smell her yeah that's another new thing that has happened to me.

I can now smell peoples my hearing and smelling was enhanced along with my running speed I couldn't explain theses things and could not ask questions on theses without sounding daft or people wanting to judge me so I decided to go to my room and open my laptop and ask on google about theses things.

I felt daft as I typed in is it normal for a human to have enhanced scent and hearing and the speed.

Oh my god I couldn't believe what I was reading online this was not normal for a human but normal if I was mixed with some kind of animal this scared me I was no animal I was just a normal everyday girl till a few months.

I was scared I didn't want to change I don't want another life am happy with my life I lay on my bed crying as I couldn't tell anyone about what I learned about myself.

I stopped crying as I heard footsteps approach my house I looked out my bedroom window it was my mother I ran downstairs to greet her as my mother came in she asked "how I got to the door so fast" as seconds ago.

she had seen me at my window I said hiding my face "sorry mum  I ran downstairs again" but my mum looked at me shocked she said "Avery have you noticed anything different about yourself recently".

I shook my head to say no but my mum's tone in voice changed "Avery tell me the truth"she shouted ouch my head was spinning a little my mum's shouting really hurt my ears.

"Ok ok yes I have mum and am scared" I cry my mother comes over hugs me and says "we need to talk I think it's about time you learned about your father but before we talk let's get dinner sorted first then we will talk as I think the time has come your not a baby anymore it's time for honesty".

My mum cried I heard her thoughts I really hoped my husband didn't effect Avery....

Author's Note

Hi my lovely readers I am sorry it took me so long to publish this chapter and that it's not very long but I hope you enjoy reading it and please don't forget to comment and vote and if you want you can follow me in till next chapter bye.

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