Ennoshita Chikara x Reader - Raise Me Up

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(A/N: Soulmate AU where soulmates have matching tattoos. One soulmate has a bigger or more distinct tattoo because the meaning is tied more closely to them)

After the initial shock of discovering you were his soulmate, he bowed to you.

"I'm sorry," he said.

He hated that he'd cursed you with this tattoo.

There were so many other people with important or cool tattoos signifying their personality or their biggest desires. Daichi's shield on his right shoulder was like an insignia, declaring his desire to protect others and lead the team with his strong defensive style. Hinata's was a rocket on his leg for his hyper personality and desire to fly, while Tsukishima's was a moon on his shoulder blade, mysterious but incredibly fundamental just like the tides caused by the moon.

But Ennoshita couldn't figure out how to take pride in his own tattoo.

A large navy blue anchor was splayed across his back. And with a tattoo that large, he knew the meaning behind it lied within him somewhere. But what was it?

He didn't care very much for the sea, so it wasn't a literal meaning. He'd never been on a ship in his life, and he certainly wasn't dying to go anytime soon.

Anchors were heavy, they dragged people down. They were big and rusty and were only useful to ships, really. And having it across his back only made it worse, as though he was carrying its large weight with him wherever he went.

Maybe that's why he stopped going to volleyball club, he'd finally dragged himself down under all that weight and pressure.

And then at that damn preliminary match against Wakutani South. He could feel the weight of it all holding him back. Not measuring up in Daichi's shadow. Not having the experience or practice to fight harder and lead the team better.

Even though he got past some of his regrets, he couldn't help feeling like he really was just an anchor, dragging everyone else down with him.

So he apologized to you, unable to tear his eyes away from the small anchor tattoo on the inside of your wrist.

"You don't like it?" you asked.

His eyes immediately met yours. "You do? But...they sink! They sink and drag everything else down with them."

You smiled. "Not exactly. An anchor's biggest purpose is to plant itself and keep you grounded. It's there for support."

"But mine is on my back!" he persisted. "It's not supporting me, it's constantly pinning me down."

"I think you're looking at it wrong." You thought for several seconds. "When an anchor gets too heavy, you get others to help you raise it up. That's a kind of support. If it's as big as you say, I'd imagine you have a lot of people supporting you, and vice versa."

"Support," he repeated softly.

And just like that, it all clicked into place. He'd always been in a supporting position. Coming back to the volleyball club even after running away. Cheering on the first years that were made starters instead of him. Helping the other second years with their homework. Refusing to immediately accept the nomination for captain because he wanted to support someone else.

He raised them up when they needed it, and they did the same right back.

"Thank you!" he suddenly exclaimed, grasping your hands in his own. "I'll do my best to support you too!"

You squeezed his hands in return. "And I'll keep raising you up when you need it."

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