"As I was saying..." He smirked at me, "Hey baby. You look good, I can't say you smell very good anymore, and with that hideous mark now on your neck."

"What do you want, Roman?"

"You! I want you to come home with me. What happened all those years ago, it was an accident. I was trying to make it an unforgettable moment for us and it went to shit. Baby, you and I are meant to be."

I shook my head, "Roman, stop."

"Do you remember, in the barn that night... after we made love to each other-" He looked over at Ryan again, clearly trying to get under his skin. "What I said to you? I said that I wanted to marry you. Can you imagine how powerful our children would be? We can finally get revenge on the Gods for what they did to us all those years ago. So you have a choice to make; rule with me forever, or die because there's no way in hell I will let you stay with that mutt."

Everyone was right, I did have a decision to make. All my choices still led me back to Ryan though. I loved him, I knew this. He was my world, we would continue keeping our pack safe together; whether I was still fallen or had my heart and soul whole again.

As Ryan, my mother, my father, the Moon Goddess, and my whole pack stood holding hands sending their powers my way. I put up a block that no one, not even my father could break through. I knew he would intervene if I was losing, and I didn't need the Gods going after him again. I heard him yelling at me to take it down. I turned around and looked Ryan in his eyes. I mouthed "I love you."

"I love you too." Ryan mouthed back.

"You're making a big mistake, my favorite angel."

I turned back to Roman "Roman, the thing is... I don't love you anymore. I know what true love is now, you have to make decisions... even if it means I have to stay dark forever, just to keep the people you love safe."

"You do realize; it's a lose, lose situation for you right? If you come with me, that light in your heart and soul will be gone forever and if for some reason you do defeat me, the God's will come after you. Luckily for me I'm not scared of them anymore."

"Neither am I. That's why my choice is Ryan, it will always be Ryan!"

"That is a bummer, now I'll have to kill you, but not before your precious mate."

He threw a flaming arrow at Ryan but it bounced back once it hit my block. He looked at me confused.

"You honestly didn't think I'd let you hurt him, did you? I mean, common! Ohhh and I have to tell you, I discovered a few new traits that I inherited from my daddy, so try and get me you fucker."

I took off running towards Roman with Max by my side, and that's when I showed everyone what I was truly capable of.

My body lit on fire as I went full force hitting Roman taking him down

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My body lit on fire as I went full force hitting Roman taking him down. He got up flying into the air as I took off after him leaving Max on the ground. As I flew to the clouds, I came upon Roman with the sword in his hand. I extended my hand as my flaming sword appeared in my hand. We started swinging at each other, with every hit; lightning would strike. This went on for a while until Roman turned around ready to kick me when I threw a fire bolt his way hitting his wing.

He started spinning out of control and went crashing back down hitting the ground below us; hard, making the thunder roar through the sky.

Max took that opportunity to attack, but Roman was already up and ready for him. He was pissed, making Roman, even more powerful.

"Max.... STAND DOWN!" He immediately yielded and I went running at Roman again, I felt funny my body was burning and I felt myself starting to shift.

What the holy hell is happening?

The look on Romans face was somewhere between 'what the fuck, and oh shit'

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The look on Romans face was somewhere between 'what the fuck, and oh shit'.

I jumped on him, I grabbed him with my new found jaw and flung him up against a tree, where Max was happily waiting for him. Max grabbed him by the back of his neck as I stalked towards him; growling. He struggled to get back up.

"Drop him, Max." He obeyed, "Good boy."

He picked his sword up and went to stab me, when I bit down on his arm making him drop his sword I then pounced on him. I shifted back to my angel form. I brought out my flaming sword once again, I lifted it up and drove it into what was once his heart.

My wings wrapped around my naked body as I got up. Max bit down on Romans' throat, ripping his head off his body, then lighting him on fire.

I started breathing heavily, I couldn't breathe anymore. I was gasping for air.
I was about to be punished, There was a bright figure in front of me as his hands touched the sides of my face, gently.


As quickly as it came, it was now gone. I collapsed to the ground catching my breath.

Everyone was now around me, Ryan right by my side. I looked up at him, "Was I a wolf?"

He grabbed the side of my face, laughing. "Yeah!"

"Well, that's new!"

He pulled me into a passionate kiss, before helping me up. My mother wrapped a blanket around my body.

"So, you learned how to light yourself on fire? I've never been, more proud of you sweetheart." My dad teased.

"Yeah, I figured out how to do that when Roman sent the Rogues and Vampires to attack our pack. I had to take a cold shower to cool off."

The Moon Goodness walked up to me, "He just said I would be alright, but nothing's changed? I'm still me."

She grabbed Ryan and my hand, "You're so much more, you're the greatest Goddess to ever walk this Earth. You will do remarkable things in your time Ava; You, Ryan and your children. The Gods and I are granting you your wish though; from this moment forward, you will age with Ryan, you will grow old together and die when your time comes."

"Thank you." She nodded at me, then disappeared.

I looked at Ryan, with a smile on my face. "I want to show you something."


"Kneel in front of me."

He raised an eyebrow, but listened.

I took his head and rested his ear on my stomach. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "You're pregnant? When did you find out?" He stood up and engulfed me in a hug.

"Ummm twenty seconds after I defeated Roman. When that light appeared, he told me."

Everyone came to congratulate us. This was the beginning of our happiness.

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