Part 19 "The Scouts"

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Valkenheim, Gränsgård, Night

Vorgen: *Huff* "Pretty cold huh?"
He said, creating a white clouds while he speaks.

Lorderius: "What do you mean Cold?! It's Freezing out here!! "

Sitting on a log around the campfire. The three knights tried to warm themselves up.

Mordred: "That's why we have made campfires here, Lorderius"

Lorderius: "It's not helping for god sake.... So cold....too damn cold.... How can those Vikings stand, living in this frozen wasteland"

Vorgen: "This is their home, of course they can tolerate the cold. If you live here long enough you will soon adapt too. Like they say, Humans are adaptable animals"

Lorderius: "Oh yeah? You're not even a viking nor living here and yet you're not shivering in the slightest"

Vorgen: "..... The cold never bothered me that much you know that..... Some people said that i have a high body temperature. Remember that time we went camping in the mountains? You kept latching onto me at night cause you can't stand the damn cold."

Lorderius: "Good times"

Vorgen: "Yep, good times. Still....If only it was a girl i was sleeping with back then......."

Lorderius: ".........."

Vorgen: ".............."

Mordred: "..........Galahad? Lorderius?"

Lorderius: "BAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Vorgen: "BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

The Black priors suddenly laughed. They laughed so hard and loud, suprising The other soldiers nearby. Altos who was about to drink his tea (with his helmet on?) jolted and almost had a heart attack, resulting in him dropping his cup.

Altos: "..........." *Sigh*
With a solemn look he then left the vicinity.

Mordred: " Keep it down you're embarrassing us!"

Lorderius: "Oh you Horny bastard...."

Vorgen: "You got that right, You were thinking the same back then right?"

Lorderius: "Right you are. We should've had brought some girls when we were camping"

Mordred: "Bunch of sick degenerates"

Vorgen: "Relax. we are just joking"

Lorderius: "Yeah...... And how do we even get ourselves some girls in the first place....when no one.....would have us....."

Vorgen: ".............."  *Sniffles*

Mordred: "Right.....Sorry......"

The mood around the campfire turned heavy. Too heavy it's crushing their soul.

Vorgen: "I hate myself......"

Lorderius: "Me either......."

Couldn't stand the crushing pressure of the heavy mood, The Female Warden decided to change the topic.

Mordred: "Uh....It's really cold....don't you feel cold..."

Vorgen: "..........wait here"
Leaving his friends, vorgen walked up to another group of soldiers who were chattering around their campfire. He poked one of the men, a captain to be exact.
They chatted for a while, shaking and nodding their head.

Mordred: "What's he doing?"

Lorderius: "I don't know.... Is he trying to pick a fight with them?"

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