CH 4 Zaliens, Pie,& Cloud Watchers

Start from the beginning

Trish:They also love honesty.

Dez:Well I don't have an honesty basket. I only have a pickle basket and a pecan pie.

Austin:I guess I'll tell Ally and Kenz the truth. There's nothing to be afraid of. (turns around to see Ally & Kenz and screams)

Kenzie:Are you screaming because you're as excited about the webcast as We are?

Austin:Yeah. You both know me so well.

Ally:This is the best song we've ever written! It's perfect for you!

Austin:Yeah, about that, I need to tell you two something. I-I-Guys, little help?

Dez:Can't talk; got cheese in my mouth.

Trish:And I'm not here.

Ally:Uh, anyway, before I forget, we both invited some friends over to watch you tape the webcast. I want to see their faces when you sing our most awesome song ever! So, what were you going to tell us?

Austin:Uh... That I got Ally a pickle basket and Kenz this Pecan Pie!

Ally:Aw, thank you. I like pickles!

Kenzie: thanks I love Pecan Pie

Interior. Ally and Kenzie's Practice Room

Austin:(in a raspy tone) Ally,Kenz, bad news. I can't do the webcast today; I lost my voice.

Kenzie:Oh no, that's terrible!

Austin:I know, I feel awful. We're going to have to reschedule; there's just- (speaks in normal tone) No way, that girl is cute! (tries to follow the girl; Ally and Kenz pull him back)

Ally:Your voice is fine. (laughs) I get it. You're just messing with us; I can do that too. Hey, I'm writing you a bad song!

Austin:Ha ha, that would be funny.

Dez:You ready, Austin? We're live in 5, 4, 3, 2, (whispers) 1

Austin:What's up? I'm Austin Moon, and this is my webcast. I guess I'm going to sing a new song. (Ally, Kenz, and Trish clap before everyone else does) But, um, um, first, I thought I would dance! (puts the microphone down) Hit it. (DJ plays music; Austin dances)

Kenzie:What's he doing? Is he stalling?

Trish:No, people don't dance when they stall.

Ally:So why isn't he singing our song?

Trish:Uh... (starts dancing)

Ally:(moves closer to Austin) Sing the song!


Ally:Sing the song, Ooh! (the camera focuses on her before she moves away)

Austin:Can't hear you; dancing.

Kenzie:Just sing the stupid song! (Dez turns around and almost points the camera at Kenzie, but she pushes him back towards Austin) No!

Austin:Well, if you think the song is stupid, I probably shouldn't perform it. Thanks for watching; see you next week. I'm out!

Ally:Why didn't you sing our new song? (Austin mumbles something that cannot be interpreted) What? (he mumbles more incomprehensible nonsense) What?

Austin:I'm sorry, Ally,Kenz but I didn't like the song. (he walks out)

Kenzie:Dez, did you know about this?

Dez:Well, I uh- (makes odd noises as he dances his way out of the room. Ally and Kenzie turn around to face Trish who starts dancing again)

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Where stories live. Discover now