CH 3 Secrets & Songbooks

Start from the beginning

Interior. Sonic Boom

Ally: (Runs in through the back door) Where's my book?! Where's my book?! Where's my book?! Trish, can you get off the piano bench so I can see if my book is in there?

Trish: Yeah, sure. (Trish is thrown off the bench by Ally)

Ally: Ah, it's not in there! (heads to the tuba)

Austin: I'm pretty sure there's nothing in the tuba.

Ally: (finds a sandwich in it) What kind of disgusting person puts food in a tuba?

Dez: Aww, my sandwich! I lost this a month ago. (takes a bite out of it)

Austin: Dude, that's just wrong. At least share! (bites into the other side of the sandwich)

Nelson: (drags in his own piano) Hello, Kenzie. I'm here for my piano lesson.

Ally: Eh, now is not a good time, Nelson. And she's told you before: you don't need to bring your own piano.

Nelson: Oh, I forgot.

Ally: Besides, your piano lesson is tomorrow. Today's your oboe lesson with me.

Nelson: Aww, nartz! You know how hard it was to get this on the bus? I'll be back. (starts to push the piano out)

Ally: Uh, you guys look for my book here while Trish,Kenz, and I check the Lost & Found. I have to find it before someone reads it! Some of the things I wrote in there are super personal and embarrassing!

Austin: Like how you have an imaginary friend named Ms. Pennyworth you talk to when you're stressed?

Ally: How do you know about Ms. Pennyworth? I've only ever told Two people that secret.

Kenzie: not me, man

Trish: ...Well, obviously, Ms. Pennyworth has been blabbing about you all over town.

Interior. Lost & Found

Trish: Found it!

Kenzie: her book?

Trish: No, my Lost & Found t-shirt from when I worked here at the Lost & Found. Man, I hated this job. All those sad, desperate people, searching for stuff that you'll never see for as long as they live! (sees Ally's dejected look) I mean, we're totally going to find your book!

Interior. Sonic Boom

Austin: (Dez sniffs the drums, the piano keys, and is about to sniff a violin bow) What are you doing?

Dez: Using my super human sense of smell to find Ally's book. (sniffs the bow)

Austin: You have a super human sense of smell? What food am I thinking of?

Dez: (sniffs Austin's head) Cherry pie. (Austin gives him a look) A la mode.

Austin: Wow. (they head up into the practice room; Dez immediately begins sniffing)

Dez: (makes his way to the fridge; opens it) Found it! (starts to take out gingerbread house)

Austin: Wow. Your nose is amazing.

Dez: No, I didn't smell the book; I just remembered that I used it as a roof for my gingerbread house.

Austin: (picks up the songbook) Why do you have a gingerbread house?

Dez: What? You want my gingerbread men to live out on the street?

Austin: (picks up one of the gingerbread men) No, I want him to live in my belly (rubs his belly; bites the head)

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