I cleared my throat, searching for something to say or do, when the door swung open again and Sua stormed into my room.

Sua PoV

I tried to follow Gahyeon. She seemed like she didn't really want to harm anyone. I don't know what it was exactly, but something about her made me believe she has a good heart (unlike some other present people). She looked like she was about to cry. If I had learned anything in my life, it is that I don't want to hurt anymore people, that I already have. And if there was any comfort I could give her in any way, I was ready to do it. But the girl was way too fast for me. Within a second she got swallowed by all the other people and I couldn't even see in what direction she went.

Handong and Siyeon got up as well, but didn't seem to bother about their younger member. Instead I could feel Siyeons eyes on me, following me. Like she was trying to calculate what move I would do next.

I huffed in desperation. This was really not the kind of night I was hoping for. All I wanted was to let loose and not get caught into some stupid drama again. I had sworn to myself to stay out of trouble and any sort of drama, but here was (honestly, at that point I just believe that I magically attract that shit).

"Where could she have gone?" I asked them. If anyone knows where she could have headed to, it's them.

"How should I know?" Handong just replied, not really caring about the situation or her "friend". Carefree she got her phone out of her pocket and stared at it. "Oh, look! 7 Minutes are over."

She was about to throw open the door, but luckily I bet her to it. I wasn't in the mood to see something I really don't want to see. So instead I softly knocked on the door.

"Yoohyeon! Jiu! 7 Minutes are over."

It took a couple of seconds until the door opened and a slightly disheveled Jiu and doofy grinning Yoohyeon walked out. I just raised my eyebrow at Yoohyeon but she was too in trance to realize anything around her, still grinning like an idiot.

"What happened?" I whispered to her, nudging her into her side, but when I didn't get any answer I spoke up a little louder. "We need to find Gahyeon. She stormed off."

"I think I might know where she could be." Jiu spoke up, worry lacing her voice . At least someone here cares at least a little bit about the poor girl. I think we have been a little too hard on her. "The only place I could think of where she could go is her room. We should check there."

"Yes. Good idea." I cheered, before grabbing Yoohyeon by her arm (useless pabo) and followed Jiu. Handong and Siyeon (who would have guessed) stayed put. Handong didn't even look up from her phone.

It didn't take long for us to find Gahyeons room, especially because Jiu basically ran towards the destination. I basically could feel the worry radiating off of her. She truly seems to care about Gahyeon and I smiled a little, knowing that the girl at least has someone that cares about her.

"That's her room." Jiu announced, stopping in front of a wooden door. "I don't know what happened, so I think you should go in." she pointed at me. "You are the only one who was there and knows what happened."

I nodded at her, showing her that I understood where she came from and swung open the door.

Now, what I expected to see was maybe a sobbing Gahyeon on her bed or maybe a Gahyeon hiding under her blanket or heck, even an empty room I would have guessed. But I certainly didn't expect to find Dami here, as well as Gahyeon staring at each other? I didn't really have enough time to read the situation, because as soon as Yoohyeon spotted Dami, she ran past me engulfing the other girl into a big koala hug. Jiu instead gave up on letting me talk to Gahyeon and went over to her, hugging her as well.

"Did we interrupt something?" I asked, since everyone except me was busy hugging. But neither of the girls answered me. So I just shoved Dami and Yoohyeon towards the door. "We should really go now." which at least got some approving nodding as a response.

I didn't only want to go home now and just let this day end, but as well leave Jiu and Gahyeon alone. I'm sure they have some stuff to talk about and would rather do that in private. Plus I'm pretty sure that I also have some stuff to discuss with Yoohyeon and Dami. Looking at their exhausted face though, I decided that that would be the agenda for another day.

Quickly I dialed my mom's number and asked her to pick us up. I don't think I should let Yoohyeon drive now (even though she claims she is totally fine and perfectly capable to drive). I had a drink as well, so I'm definitely not driving either. I think the only person who didn't drink at all was Dami, but she as well seemed to be emotionally shaken up to drive.

Luckily my mom came fast and set off Yoohyeon and Dami at Yoo's place (not without giving me a questioning look about why she should set them off at the same place), before we drove home as well. I am really glad to have an amazing mom like this. She is the best and would literally do anything for me, she even agreed to move town for me, like that is insane. She knows about everything that I went through, yet she trusts me completely. I couldn't even ask for a better mom than her.

As soon as we arrived, I almost fell into my bed, exhausted from the whole day. I didn't even bother to get out of my party clothes and into my sleeping clothes.

I was almost gone, when I heard my phone vibrating. I searched for my pocket in the dark, not wanting to get up to switch on the light. When I finally found it, I also felt something else in my pocket. Like a piece of paper.

Curious I took it out as well and used my phone to shine on it. There was a phone number written on it. It didn't say anything else though. Like who it belonged to or why it was in my pocket. I decided to save the number in my phone as "mysterious x", since I had no clue who it might belong to. After I saved the number I checked why my phone vibrated in the first place. It was a text from Yoohyeons mom (God knows how she got my number).

Yoohyeons mom:

Thanks for bringing the girls home safely. I really appreciate it. They are both safe and sound asleep now.


No problem. That's what friends are for.

Yoohyeons mom:

You are a really good friend. Make sure you know that.



Yoohyeons mom:

If you ever want to stop by for dinner or a sleepover with the girls, you are more than welcome.


I'll make sure to come back to that. :)

I haven't even met Yoohyeons mom yet, but I already know she is the best.

A/N: Does anyone else have a ticket for the concert this week and is just as excited as I am?

OT7 <3

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