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Now that you saw what happened to Harry, let's take a few steps back and get to know Harry a little bit more.
Harry's appearance is quite simple yet so so beautiful. His eyes always shine especially in the sunlight where he's blinded by the sun and you see his sparkly emerald green eyes. Harry's hair has always been something people mention when meeting him for the first time, he liked his hair and it was one of the things he was the most confident with. He has these wonderful brown curls, his hair was always pushed to the side of his forehead and it had this fluff that made everyone he knew obsessed with his hair. Everyone wanted to touch it and honestly Harry had no problem with it. He also has these pink lips that are always tinted naturally and he makes sure they are never dry because he hates that feeling. And his smile, Harry has these cute bunny teeth that make him look younger and this beautiful smile that makes everyone like him. His dimple is also a thing he gets complimented about a lot. He never thought it was something special but he guessed people are just being polite.

Harry had a very strict routine to his day. He was just different and liked when things went his way. He was never diagnosed with anything but just liked his way of doing things and could not stand when people interrupted it.
He would wake up every morning and have a cup of tea before school. On days where he felt a little crazy he would eat a granola bar. He always made sure his room was tidy and the carpet had to be clean. That's why he never wears shoes in his room.
In school he doesn't like talking to people in the hallways because it seemed so pointless and he had stuff to do and places to be at but he was always polite no matter how rude the other person was. When he comes home from school he makes sure to say hi to his mom and sister if they're home. If not he HAS to text them. If he doesn't it will bug him all day.
He likes to make his own lunch because when someone else makes it it just doesn't taste as good. He loves watching rom coms and he doesn't care that Liam teases him for it. He loves the happy endings and the romantic things people do to each other.
He makes sure he does his homework because he wants to go to college and be successful.
He gets very good grades but fails in biology. Just isn't his thing. Then he takes a warm shower and talks to Liam on the phone or chats with his mom or have some sort of human interaction.
He eats dinner and goes to sleep with thoughts running through his head. And then the same thing all over again tomorrow.

Harry was so special. He really was. He had many hobbies like drawing and building and so many things but his favorite thing to do was to sing. Music was always there. That's why he loves it so much, there are so many different types of music and different songs for every single emotion out there. He sings in the shower, in his room, with Liam, he even sings in the hallways but quietly so no one hears him. Liam always said he has a lovely voice and Harry said the same about
Liam. They were always supportive of each other. Liam was the only one who knew how to make Harry calm down when it's loud and Harry can't handle it. Every time when there were more than three loud sounds at once. Harry gets super overwhelmed and scared and usually drops on the floor and maybe sheds a tear. The loud sounds really hurt him and he doesn't know why. The doctors told his mom he was faking it but she believes him.

Once again. Harry is so so special and unique. Sometimes he wondered why he even has friends.
His best best friend is Liam. Then he has a couple of good friends like this girl named Alex. He loved Alex, she was one of those people that understand everything and are just super accepting and nice. Every time he had a problem he would rush to her and she would always have the best advice. She was also one of the only people who never judged Harry and always made him feel welcomed and loved. 
He also has a friend who's called Cara, she was also lovely. She was that person that can always put you in a good mood and make you laugh. She was that person that will embarrass herself in front of people and was super confident. Harry admired how happy she always was. They were this friend group of four. Harry loved them and wouldn't change it for the world.

To conclude Harry. Just special. He was happy, he really was, well almost always because everyone has bad days. When Harry feels sad he likes to be alone or with Alex. That's it. He doesn't talk about his feelings with anyone else except her because she just gets him. He loves his life and his dreams are big. He just doesn't know what the world has in store for him.

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