Chapter 8

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I blinked as Svin turned in a different direction than towards his apartment building and soon walked along unfamiliar streets. The city sounds and the roads around my handler's home, but this street was new. Where are we going? I blinked in surprise but did not react to the shuttles and other Kymari that shared the sidewalk other than a glance when they got close.

Svin entered a park, and I excitedly looked around at the tall trees and dense foliage. I haven't been outside in so long! I partially spread my wings and chirped excitedly. Between Svin's old sleeping schedule and night shifts, my injuries, and bond animal training, he hasn't taken me to a park at all.

"Go on," Svin unclipped my leash as he smiled slightly at my enthusiasm. When I looked at him in pure shock, he repeated himself. "Go on, have fun."

I burst into the air with an exciting trill and dove between two tree branches. Though there were no other dragonets around, it was still fun to weave in and out of trees and fully exercise my wings. They felt slightly stiff from the lack of strenuous exercise, but I noticed the increased flexibility that resulted from Svin's massages.

The free wind rushed past my scales and filled my wings with each beat. I forgot the stress of fake sicora and chirped and trilled happily. I effortlessly spun and wove through the area as fast as my wings allowed. Leaves fluttered in my wake; birds panicked as my dark form raced past them. I hope Svin takes me out often! This is fun!

The park was small, and I flew several laps around it before I eventually became tired. I slowed my pace, then flew back towards the area near Svin and checked on him. The thought of leaving him and returning to the central park never crossed my mind. Though I missed other dragonets, I always felt different.

When I landed on my handler's shoulder, I tweeted gratefully at him. He looked initially surprised, then smiled very subtly. "Good girl," he praised and offered a piece of shia fruit. I happily sat on his shoulder and ate it. Once the food was gone, I took off into the air and happily began exploring the area. I spotted a few nice sunbathing spots and even a small stream where I could take a bath. Ooo, that would be nice later.

After I explored for a few minutes, Svin's voice reached my ears. "Melanie, come here!" I still could not figure out how he did it, but he always made commands sound like polite requests I couldn't refuse.

I guess this is it. I returned to Svin and landed on his fist as he offered it to me.

"Good girl." Svin offered me a piece of fruit, and he stroked my wings as I ate it. When I finished, he smiled and held out his fist. "Go on; you can explore again." I blinked, then joyfully took returned to the air and continued my exploration as Svin walked over to a bench and calmly sat on it.

As I explored, I noted a few signs of dragonets scattered around the park. A few trees had claw marks of various ages, which reminded me of my claws, which had gotten long. Once I found a suitable tree, I sliced through the bark. It felt good to stretch and feel the wood effortlessly split beneath my sharp claws.

Just as I finished destroying the section of the tree, Svin once again called me, and I returned to him. As I savored my peach cube, his wrist communicator made a soft tone. The Kymari briefly glanced at it as I swallowed the last of my peach. "Go on." His tone sounded different as if he was hiding something, but I obeyed and returned to my exploration.

I explored for several minutes and noted a few nice secluded sunbathing spots. When my wings became tired, I decided to sunbathe a bit. However, I wanted to check on Svin first.

I flew back to my handler and alighted on a tree branch near Svin's bench, then secretly watched the Kymari between the leaves. He was looking down at his wrist, though the screen on his communicator was dark. I tilted my head, then stealthily moved to a bush and looked up to the Kymari's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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